The Department of Pacific Islands Studies offers a range of courses for undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, students are encouraged to explore many of the Pacific-focused courses offered across the Mānoa campus by our affiliate faculty or by other academic departments.
For a full listing of UH Mānoa course descriptions, please visit the UHM General Catalog.
Undergraduate Courses
PACS 108
Pacific Worlds: An Introduction to Pacific Islands Studies (3)
Introduces students to the geography, societies, histories, cultures, contemporary issues, and arts of Oceania, including Hawai‘i. Combines lectures and discussion that emphasize Pacific Islander perspectives and experiences. A-F only. DS
PACS 201
Islands of Globalization (3)
Combined lectures, service-learning. Examines the nature and impact of globalization on Pacific Island societies, viewed from the perspective of islanders who engage with global forces and processes, and create strategies to survive. Limit 20 students. A-F only. DS
PACS 202
Pacific Islands Movement and Migration (3)
Combined lecture and service-learning activities. Examines the diaspora of Pacific Islanders. Includes a service-learning activity examining cultural, political, and economic status of groups of Pacific Islanders living in other Pacific places. Limit of 20 students. A-F only. DS
PACS 301
Pacific Communities in Hawai‘i (3)
Examines Pacific Islander communities’ experiences in Hawai‘i through service learning, reading, writing, lecture, and discussion. Concerns about housing, employment, education, health, language, and culture are central. A-F only. DS
PACS 302
Contemporary Issues in Oceania (3)
Combined lecture/discussion. Examination of critical political, social, and economic issues in the Pacific Islands region today. DS
PACS 303
Thinking through Pacific Arts, Ritual, and Performance (3)
Lecture, discussion, and workshop series surveys arts, ritual, and performance practices throughout the Pacific. Engaging with Pacific traditions of thought, and creative approaches to research, students also return findings to Pacific communities. Repeatable one time. Sophomore standing or higher.
PACS 371
Literature of the Pacific (3)
Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of the literature of the Pacific, including Pacific voyagers and contemporary writings in English by Pacific Islanders. Pre: one ENG DL course or consent. (Cross-listed as ENG 371) DL
PACS 399
Directed Research (V)
Repeatable up to 12 credits.
PACS 401
Pacific Islander Collaborative Research (3)
Engage in intensive collaborative research with a Pacific Islander community in Hawai‘i, culminating in a research paper and public presentation. Junior standing or higher.
PACS 462
Drama and Theatre of Oceania (3)
Survey of the contemporary drama and theatre of Oceania that combines island and Western traditions. Includes Papua New Guinea, Hawai‘i, Fiji, Samoa, Australia, New Zealand. Pre: ANTH 350 or THEA 101, or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 462) DH
PACS 474
Studies in Pacific Literature (3 credits)
Intensive study of selected questions, issues, traditions, writers, movements, or genres in the field of Pacific literature. Repeatable one time. Prerequisite: ENG 320 and one other 300-level ENG course. (Cross-listed as ENG 474) DL
PACS 492
Topics in Pacific Islands Studies (3)
Repeatable two times. DS
PACS 493
Moving Images in the Pacific Islands (3)
Critically examines indigenous and foreign representations of the Pacific Islands and is designed to make film a central focus of inquiry for students interested in the contemporary Pacific. Repeatable one time.
Graduate Courses
PACS 601
Learning Oceania (3)
Graduate seminar. Introduction to the nature and origins of Pacific Studies as an organized field of study. Epistemological, conceptual, political and ethical issues facing students of the region today. Co-requisite: PACS 602.
PACS 602
Re/Presenting Oceania: Pacific and American Perspectives (3)
Graduate seminar. Critical analysis of the way physical, social and cultural aspects of Oceania have been represented in scholarly and popular media. Co-requisite: PACS 601.
PACS 603
Researching Oceania: Creative and Conventional Methods of Inquiry (3)
Graduate seminar. Literacy, theory and method in the creation of a Master’s research project. Pre: PACS 601 and PACS 602.
PACS 675
Topics in Histories of Oceania (3)
Reading and research on major issues, topics, and themes in the history of Oceania. Repeatable three times. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as HIST 675)
PACS 690
Graduate Seminar: Change in the Pacific (3)
Interrelationship of change in selected Pacific Islands regions, institutions, and processes. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent.
PACS 695
Master’s Portfolio Project (V)
Independent study for students working on MA portfolio projects. A grade of satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. Repeatable one time. Prerequisite: graduate standing in PACS.
PACS 699
Directed Reading and Research (V)
Repeatable unlimited times.
PACS 700
Thesis Research (V)
Repeatable unlimited times.
Diversification abbreviations:
DS-Social Sciences