The Center for Pacific Islands Studies Occasional Papers include seminar papers, conference proceedings, topical studies, and edited collections. Most of them are now available as PDFs via ScholarSpace, the digital institutional archive at the University of Hawai‘i’s Hamilton Library (click on each title). Starting with Occasional Paper 45, printed copies are available through Amazon’s print-on-demand services; see each title for location information.
Occasional Papers 30, 34, 38, and 41 were editions of Moving Images of the Pacific Islands, a guide to films and videos, which is now available as a database on this website.
A limited number of print copies of the titles marked with an asterisk are still available at a nominal fee plus postage. Contact the Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Moore Hall 212, 1890 East-West Road, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822; telephone (808) 956-7700; fax (808) 956-7053; e-mail
List of Occasional Papers:
- Considerations of the Rights of Spain over the Caroline Islands, translated by Patricia Bieber (1973) [ ]
- Bibliography of Hawaiian Language Materials at the University of Hawaii, Manoa Campus, compiled by Nancy Jane Morris, Verna H F Young, Kehau Kahapea, and Velda Yamanaka (1974) [ ]
- Chapters on Hawaii and the Marianas in V. M. Golovnin’s Voyage Around the World, translated by Ella Wiswell (1974) []
- Pacific-Related Audiovisual Materials for Secondary Schools, by Phyllis Turnbull (1974) [ ]
- Pacific Islands Workshop for College Librarians in Hawaii, April 1974, coordinated by Leonard Mason (1974) [ ]
- Russian Writings on the South Pacific: A Preliminary Edition, by Patricia Polansky (1974) [ ]
- Pacific Islands Workshop for Secondary Librarians and Social Studies Teachers in Hawaii, June 13-14, 1974, coordinated by Leonard Mason (1974) [ ]
- The Bougainville Taro Blight, by Jerry C Packard (1975) [ ]
- Bibliographies of the Kermadec Islands, Niue, Swains Island and the Tokelau Islands, William G Coppell (1975) [ ]
- Micronesian and Polynesian Voyaging: Three Readings, by Lesley Bruce, Patricia Schattenburg, and Patricia Price Beggerly (1976) [ ]
- A World Catalogue of Theses and Dissertations Concerning the Education of the Peoples of the Pacific Islands (Including the New Zealand Maori), by William G Coppell (1977) [ ]
- The Samoan Archives: An Annotated List of the Archival Material of the Various Governments of Western Samoa from the Middle of the Nineteenth Century to the First Quarter of the Twentieth Century, by Ashby J Fristoe (1977) [ ]
- The Use of Nearshore Marine Life as a Food Resource by American Samoans, by Harry Burnette Hill (1978) [ ]
- Captain Cook and the Pacific Islands: The Proceedings of the Third Annual Pacific Islands Studies Conference, edited by Jane N Hurd and Michiko Kodama (1978) [ ]
- A Status Study of Commercial Cinema in the Pacific Islands, by Floyd K Takeuchi (1979) [ ]
- The Emerging Pacific Island States: The Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Pacific Islands Studies Conference, edited by Jane N Hurd (1979) [ ]
- Urbanization in the Pacific: A Tentative Survey, by Donald R Shuster (1979) [ ]
- Institutional Sources of Stress in Pacific Regionalism, by Richard A Herr (1980) [ ]
- Hawaii in the Contemporary Pacific: The Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Pacific Islands Studies Conference, 1981, edited by Karen Knudsen (1981) [ ]
- Aspects of Modernization in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, by Douglas Oliver (1981) [ ]
- Reflections on Micronesia: Collected Papers, by Francis X Hezel (1982) [ ]
- Pacific Power Maps: An Analysis of the Constitutions of Pacific Island Polities, by Stephen Levine (1983) [ ]
- Tourism in the Pacific: A Bibliography, compiled by Bryan H Farrell, D Reid Ross, L Baird Evans, and D Weertz (1983) [ ]
- Traditional Leadership in the Constitution of the Marshall Islands, by C J Lynch (1984) [ ]
- Culture, Youth and Suicide in the Pacific: Papers from an East-West Center Conference, edited by Francis X Hezel, Donald H Rubinstein, and Geoffrey M White (1985) [ ]
- The Solomon Islands: An Experiment in Decentralization, by Ralph R Premdas and Jeffrey S Steeves (1985) [ ]
- The Pacific and the Year 2000: Seminar Papers, edited by Robert C Kiste and Richard A Herr (1985) [ ]
- History of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Pacific Islands Conference, edited by Karen Knudsen (1985) [ ]
- The Organization of Development Planning in the South Pacific, by Roman Dubsky (1986) [ ]
- Wansalawara: Soundings in Melanesian History, compiled by Brij V Lal (1987) [ ]
- History of the Pacific Islands Studies Program at the University of Hawaii, 1950-1986, by Agnes Quigg (1987) [ ]
- Ni‘ihau: A Brief History, parts 1 and 2, by Edward R Stepien (1988)
*35. Lost in the Weeds: Theme and Variation in Pohnpei Political Mythology, by Glenn Petersen (1990)
- Remembering the Pacific War, edited by Geoffrey M White (1991) [ ]
- Pacific Islands Dissertations and Theses from the University of Hawai‘i, 1923-1990, with 1991-1993 Supplement, compiled by Lynette Furuhashi (1994) [ ]
*39. Pacific Islands Dissertations and Theses from the University of Hawai’i, 1923-1996, compiled by Lynette Furuhashi (1996) [ ]
- Island Towns: Managing Urbanization in Micronesia, by John Connell and John P Lea (1998) [ ]
*42. Saipan’s Camp Susupe, by Norman Meller (1999) [ ]
*43. Indigenous Encounters: Reflections on Relations between People in the Pacific, edited by Katerina Martina Teaiwa (2007) [ ]
*44. The Space Between: Negotiating Culture, Place, and Identity in the Pacific, edited by A Marata Tamaira (2009) [ ]
- Te Kauhiva Tokelau: Composing and Choreographing Cultural Sustainability, by Candice Elanna Steiner (2015) [ ] Print edition available via Amazon’s online marketplaces in the United States [ ], the United Kingdom [ ], France [ ], Germany [ ], Italy [ ], and Spain ].