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Downloading a WebCT Quiz & Pasting into Laulima (scroll down through page for screen shots and step by step directions)

Laulima Based Tutorials
WebCT Based Tutorials

> Adding Guests
> Creating a HIDDEN folder (allows uploaded files to be hidden from students view within Resources)
> Uploading File(s) with WebDAV
> Adding a Syllabus
> Publishing Your Course or Project Site
> Laulima Tools & Examples of Usage
> Adding a PowerPoint Presentation
> Adding a Dummy Student
> Downloading a WebCT Quiz & Pasting into Laulima

> Editing Module Sections
> Managing Course Tabs (show/hide & order course sites)
> Import from Site
> Blogger Tool

> Adding a Syllabus
> Adding a new course section (organizer page)
> Adding a single page (single page link to .pdf, .html, .doc, etc.)
> Adding a URL (link to an outside resource site)
> Adding the Student Presentation Tool
> Adding the Assignment Tool
> Adding a TA
(teaching assistant)
> Adding a co-designer
> Adding Guest Accounts
> Adding a PowerPoint presentation (for Windows)
> Adding a PowerPoint presentation (for Macintosh)
> Adding a PowerPoint for Downloading

> Narrating PowerPoint & Processing in Impatica
> Adding a Quiz or Survey

> Importing and Uploading a Quiz via Respondus (for Windows)
> Importing and Uploading Games/Self-Test via StudyMate (for Windows)
> Importing and Uploading a Multiple Choice Quiz via MakeQuiz (for Macintosh)
> Manual Grading of a Quiz
> Assessment Strategies
> Viewing Quiz/Survey Statistics
> Adding a Score (grade) column
> Adding a Final Score (grade) column
> Downloading and Importing e-packs
> Creating and Restoring a Course Backup
> Fast Uploading of multiple Files with WebDAV
> Exporting/Importing the Student Database
> Exporting Final Grades to Banner
> Word 2000 & 2003
> Private (group) Discussions

Downloading Quizzes in Respondus & Inserting into Laulima:
Respondus is a Windows based application that greatly simplifies the creation and maintenance of quizzes and surveys.  Macintosh users can use Respondus only if they are running an Intel based machine and have a properly installed Windows emulation package (e.g Parallels, VMWare).  In addition Respondus can be used to download WebCT quizzes and surveys and insert via copy and paste into Laulima's Quick Create quiz feature.

UH Faculty/staff can download and install Respondus by going to and scroll down to select "Respondus/StudyMate". After logging in with your UH username and password follow the instructions on the the website to download and install respondus. NOTE: The license information does need to be updated once a year, when you are asked to renew please return to the download site for edited registration information.

You can view additional information about installing and using Respondus by going to the following Respondus tutorial site:

Retrieve Existing WebCT Quizzes/Surveys

1. Open Respondus by double clicking on the Respondus icon or go to Start, Programs and select to open Respondus

2. Click on the Retrieval & Reports tab

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3. Using the buttons on the left, click Retrieve Questions


4. Next to the header for WebCT Server use the pull down menu and select add new server

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5. Confirm the radio button is selected for Yes, check the pre configured server settings and click the Next button


6. Depending on the location of the WebCT course your quizzes/surveys are currently existing, use the pull down menu and choose either the Development Server at UH or Instructional Server at UH

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7. Once the correct server is selected, click OK

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8. Under the header for Enter a name to describe this WebCT CE server, depending on what server you choose in Step 7, enter the server name for Instructional or Development (in this case I am downloading from the Instructional server)Proceed to enter your UH username and password and click the Next button


9. Respondus will run a connection test, if it indicates Connection Test Completed Successfully, click Next to proceed (if it indicates a failure go back to step 8 and verify settings)

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10. Click Finish

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11. Next to the header for Course use the pull down menu and choose the specific WebCT course that has the quizzes/surveys you want to download

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12. Next to the header for Quiz or Survey use the pull down menu and choose a specific quiz or survey (you will have to choose each quiz/survey one at a time)

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13. Next to the header for Enter a name for the new file type in a file name (this can be the same name as the quiz you are choosing to download), then click the Retrieve button

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14. Once successfully retrieved click OK

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15. Select the tab for "Preview & Publish"

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16. Click the button on the left for "Print Options"

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17. Step 1: select the radio button for "Exam and Answer Key" then click the button for "Settings"

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18. Confirm that the checkboxes for Question Title and Feedback are NOT selected (the rest of the options should be checked) and click the "OK" button

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19. Click the button for "Print to File"

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20. Save in: Desktop or My Documents, Enter a short title for the File name, leave Save as type as .doc and click Save

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21. Click "OK"

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22. Open the saved document file, go to the File menu, choose "Select all", then go to the Edit menu and choose "Copy"

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23. Log into Laulima, enter the course you want to add the quiz into, click on the link in the course menu for "Tests & Quizzes" (if you have not yet added this tool go to Site Info, select Edit Tools, check the box next to Tests & Quizzes, click Continue, then Finish)

Enter a title in the Title text block and click the "Quick Create" button

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24. Click in the large text block and paste (right click + paste or command + v key), then click "Next >"

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25. Laulima shows a preview of questions and answers, scroll down and click "Create Assessment"

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26. The quiz is now ready to add settings, at this time you can return back to Respondus and go through this process again for the next quiz you want to add

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Return to Main Tutorial Menu

Site managed by Linda Mcconnell
University of Hawaii, Distributed Learning & User Servers
Last Update:10/9/04