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Adding Guests (scroll down through page for screen shots and step by step directions)

Laulima Based Tutorials
WebCT Based Tutorials

> Adding Guests
> Creating a HIDDEN folder (allows uploaded files to be hidden from students view within Resources)
> Uploading File(s) with WebDAV
> Adding a Syllabus
> Publishing Your Course or Project Site
> Laulima Tools & Examples of Usage
> Adding a PowerPoint Presentation
> Adding a Dummy Student
> Downloading a WebCT Quiz & Pasting into Laulima

> Editing Module Sections
> Managing Course Tabs (show/hide & order course sites)
> Import from Site
> Blogger Tool

> Adding a Syllabus
> Adding a new course section (organizer page)
> Adding a single page (single page link to .pdf, .html, .doc, etc.)
> Adding a URL (link to an outside resource site)
> Adding the Student Presentation Tool
> Adding the Assignment Tool
> Adding a TA
(teaching assistant)
> Adding a co-designer
> Adding Guest Accounts
> Adding a PowerPoint presentation (for Windows)
> Adding a PowerPoint presentation (for Macintosh)
> Adding a PowerPoint for Downloading

> Narrating PowerPoint & Processing in Impatica
> Adding a Quiz or Survey

> Importing and Uploading a Quiz via Respondus (for Windows)
> Importing and Uploading Games/Self-Test via StudyMate (for Windows)
> Importing and Uploading a Multiple Choice Quiz via MakeQuiz (for Macintosh)
> Manual Grading of a Quiz
> Assessment Strategies
> Viewing Quiz/Survey Statistics
> Adding a Score (grade) column
> Adding a Final Score (grade) column
> Downloading and Importing e-packs
> Creating and Restoring a Course Backup
> Fast Uploading of multiple Files with WebDAV
> Exporting/Importing the Student Database
> Exporting Final Grades to Banner
> Word 2000 & 2003
> Private (group) Discussions

Adding Guests:
At times you may want to allow student or instructor based access to individuals who do not have UH usernames. To do so:

1. Log into Laulima (, select a course, then click on the Site Info link in the Course Menu

2. Using the Menu bar select the link for "Add Participants"

3. IN the text block for "Guest(s) Email Address" type in the VALID email address of the participant (in this case it is someone with a email account, then click "Continue"

4. Using the pull down menu under the header for "Role" select the type of user access you want this participant to have in the course (in this case I only want them to have normal student access), then click "Continue"

5. Laulima provides a warning that in order for this new participant to access the course it must be Published (by default all new courses are NOT published or viewable to participants, please view the tutorial on Publishing Your Course), click "Continue" again

6. To finalize the process, click "Finish" (newly added Guests will be sent an email to thier email address with password and log in information)

Return to Main Tutorial Menu

Site managed by Linda Mcconnell
University of Hawaii, Distributed Learning & User Servers
Last Update:10/9/04