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Adding a Dummy Student (scroll down through page for screen shots and step by step directions)

Laulima Based Tutorials
WebCT Based Tutorials

> Adding Guests
> Creating a HIDDEN folder (allows uploaded files to be hidden from students view within Resources)
> Uploading File(s) with WebDAV
> Adding a Syllabus
> Publishing Your Course or Project Site
> Laulima Tools & Examples of Usage
> Adding a PowerPoint Presentation
> Adding a Dummy Student
> Downloading a WebCT Quiz & Pasting into Laulima

> Editing Module Sections
> Managing Course Tabs (show/hide & order course sites)
> Import from Site
> Blogger Tool

> Adding a Syllabus
> Adding a new course section (organizer page)
> Adding a single page (single page link to .pdf, .html, .doc, etc.)
> Adding a URL (link to an outside resource site)
> Adding the Student Presentation Tool
> Adding the Assignment Tool
> Adding a TA
(teaching assistant)
> Adding a co-designer
> Adding Guest Accounts
> Adding a PowerPoint presentation (for Windows)
> Adding a PowerPoint presentation (for Macintosh)
> Adding a PowerPoint for Downloading

> Narrating PowerPoint & Processing in Impatica
> Adding a Quiz or Survey

> Importing and Uploading a Quiz via Respondus (for Windows)
> Importing and Uploading Games/Self-Test via StudyMate (for Windows)
> Importing and Uploading a Multiple Choice Quiz via MakeQuiz (for Macintosh)
> Manual Grading of a Quiz
> Assessment Strategies
> Viewing Quiz/Survey Statistics
> Adding a Score (grade) column
> Adding a Final Score (grade) column
> Downloading and Importing e-packs
> Creating and Restoring a Course Backup
> Fast Uploading of multiple Files with WebDAV
> Exporting/Importing the Student Database
> Exporting Final Grades to Banner
> Word 2000 & 2003
> Private (group) Discussions

Adding a Dummy Student:
Adding a "dummy student" to a course allows users who have maintaining privileges in Laulima (instructors, staff) the ability to view a course as a real student. Seeing a course in this fashion helps to test what you are seeing is actually what the student views on their end.

To begin this process create a junk email account using any of the FREE email services available, such as, hotmail or gmail (if you have one already jump to step 6 in this tutorial). Once you create a junk account, add that email to the course and use it to log in as a student.

NOTE: You only need this junk email to get the password needed to log in as a student, after which you can choose to delete the junk email account.

Create a "junk" email account

1. Open a browser and go to one of the several free email account sites ( or gmail), in this case I choose's free "gmail" service at

Once at Google, select the text link for "Gmail"

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2. On the right click the link for "Sign up for Gmail"

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3. Fill in requested information such as your first/last name, a username, password...


4. Scroll down and continue with the form, click "I Accept, Create my account" button when done

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5. Enter your new Gmail account by clicking on the text link for "I'm ready-show me my account"


6. Open a new browser window (File, New Window) and log into your Laulima account ( using your regular UH username and password, select the course title in the blue menu bar in which you would like to add a dummy student into and select "Site Info" in the course menu

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7. Within Site Info, use the menu bar and select the link for "Add Participants"

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8. In the SECOND text block for "Guests" type in your entire junk email address ( or, in my case I typed in my new Gmail email address:, click the "Continue" button when done

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9. Using the pull down menu under the header for Role, select "Student", click the Continue button when done

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10. Confirm the radio button to send and email notice RIGHT AWAY is selected, then click "Continue"

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11. Click the "Finish" button

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12. IF you course is still "UNPUBLISHED" (there will be an unpublished notification on the upper left of the Course Menu if it is), then you will need to "PUBLISH" the site when you want to log in with this dummy student

To either Publish or Unpublish a site, in Site Info click on the text link for "Manage Access"

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13. Select (to publish or allow student access) OR De-select (to unpublish or NOT allow student access) the checkbox next to "Publish site" and click Update

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14. You will need to return to your junk mail account for the message sent from the course that will contain the password needed to log into Laulima as a student

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15. Make sure you are logged OUT of your normal instructor account and log back in using your junk email address and the password sent to you, in my case I logged in with my junk email address as follows:

user id:
password: xxxxxxxx

LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01

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Site managed by Linda Mcconnell
University of Hawaii, Distributed Learning & User Servers
Last Update:10/9/04