Tutorials offer step by step instruction on how to work with a tool that might be added to your WebCT or Laulima based course.
WebCT Based Tutorials |
View Flash videos
> Setting up your Profile in My Workspace
> Using Announcements and viewing your course Syallbus
> Using Discussion and Private Messages
> Viewing your grades
> Navigating through a course Module
> Working with your course Resources
> Taking a Quiz
> Working with the Assignments
Downloadable PowerPoints
> Setting up your Profile in My Workspace
> Using Announcements and viewing your course Syallbus
> Using Discussion and Private Messages
> Viewing your grades
> Navigating through a course Module
> Working with your course Resources
> Taking a Quiz
> Working with the Assignments |
> I am registered for a WebCT course, how do I log in?
> I have to email my instructor, how do I use Mail?
> My instructor is asking us to use Discussions, how do I do that?
> How do I add an attachment to Mail or Discussions?
> My instructor said we can forward WebCT mail to our hotmail/yahoo, etc., account, how do I do this?
> We have to do a class chat, how do I do that?
> How do I submit my homework using the Drop box or Assignments?
> How do I add a PowerPoint presentation to the Student Presentation area?
> I have to introduce myself in the Homepage area, how can I do this?
> I am doing my first quiz in WebCT, what should I know?
> Saving a PowerPoint presentation as a web page (for Windows)
> Saving a PowerPoint presentation as a web page (for Macintosh)
> How do I fill out a WebCT Problem Report so I can get some help?
> Is it a good idea to have more than I browser to use with WebCT? If so, how can I download more? |