How do I add an attachment to Mail or Discussions? (either scroll down through page or select from one of the following quick links)
About Attachments
Adding an Attachment

> I am registered for a WebCT course, how do I log in?
> I have to email my instructor, how do I use Mail?
> My instructor is asking us to use Discussions, how do I do that?
> How do I add an attachment to Mail or Discussions?
> My instructor said we can forward WebCT mail to our hotmail/yahoo, etc., account, how do I do this?
> We have to do a class chat, how do I do that?
> How do I submit my homework using the Drop box or Assignments?
> How do I add a PowerPoint presentation to the Student Presentation area?
> I have to introduce myself in the Homepage area, how can I do this?
> I am doing my first quiz in WebCT, what should I know?
> Saving a PowerPoint presentation as a web page (for Windows)
> Saving a PowerPoint presentation as a web page (for Macintosh)
> How do I fill out a WebCT Problem Report so I can get some help?
> Is it a good idea to have more than I browser to use with WebCT? If so, how can I download more?
About Attachments :
Sometimes an instructor will use Mail and/or Discussions for turning in of homework assignments. Most often these assignments are written up in a word application program and then attached to a mail/discussion message. No matter which tool you are required to use, the process of attaching a file will be the same.
NOTE: when saving a document for attaching to mail/discussions it is best to save it in a Rich Text Format (.rtf) - File -> Save as, and choose the file format for (.rtf). This format option is found in most if not all word applications. Rich Text format allows the instructor and peers a better chance of opening the file no matter what kind of word application they have installed.
Adding an Attachment:
After saving your file on your computer as an .rtf or Rich Text Formatted file, enter your course, and select "Compose message" in either Mail or Discussions (view tutorials for using Mail and Discussions for additional info).
To attach a file, click on the "Browse" button located at the bottom of the compose message screen.

Locate your saved file, click on file name once to select, then click "Open".

To finalize the attach, click the "Attach file" button.

Verify the attached file has become a link (title of attached file should have become a text link), then click the "Send" button.

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