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I am doing my first quiz in WebCT, what should I know? (either scroll down through page or select from one of the following quick links)
About Quizzes
Tips for a successful Quiz submission
Beginning a Quiz
Saving Answers
Submitting Quiz


> I am registered for a WebCT course, how do I log in?
> I have to email my instructor, how do I use Mail?
> My instructor is asking us to use Discussions, how do I do that?
> How do I add an attachment to Mail or Discussions?

> My instructor said we can forward WebCT mail to our hotmail/yahoo, etc., account, how do I do this?
> We have to do a class chat, how do I do that?
> How do I submit my homework using the Drop box or Assignments?
> How do I add a PowerPoint presentation to the Student Presentation area?

> I have to introduce myself in the Homepage area, how can I do this?
> I am doing my first quiz in WebCT, what should I know?
> Saving a PowerPoint presentation as a web page (for Windows)
> Saving a PowerPoint presentation as a web page (for Macintosh)

> How do I fill out a WebCT Problem Report so I can get some help?
> Is it a good idea to have more than I browser to use with WebCT? If so, how can I download more?

About Quizzes :
Faculty will use quizzes for testing levels of course knowledge. Many faculty will use it for weekly, midterm and final assessment. Quizzes are often timed, meaning once you select to begin a quiz the quiz clock starts, so it is best to have your computer set up properly for working with WebCT prior to starting a quiz.

Tips for a successful Quiz submission:
1. Check your browser for its settings by going to the following site: Check Browser (at the website, select your operating system (located right under the middle blue labeled box), then your preferred browser, then in the last window, click on "Prepare your browser settings for working with WebCT" (located INSIDE the blue labeled box)

2. Download and install another browser. Having more than one browser on your machine helps when your favorite one behaves erratically. To download an alternative browser go to the following site: Download Browser

3. If you continue to experience technical difficulty submit a WebCT Problem Report right away. You can submit such a report using the following text link (in the report make sure you are specific as to the location of the quiz, what you are doing when you encounter an issue and any errors you see: WebCT Problem Report

Beginning a Quiz:
Log into your WebCT course and go to the exams area (usually it is located in a course section for Assessment or Exams).

Depending on how the instructor has set up the quiz area, you will have to either click on a specific quiz title (as indicated in the following image), or go directly through a quiz list.

The quiz list will indicate many things about the quiz you are getting ready to take, such as When it is available, how long you have to take it and the grade.

To enter the quiz, click directly on the title of the quiz.

It is important to go over the directions in this area. Once done, click on "Begin quiz" to start (quizzes that are timed will not start the clock until you have actually clicked on the "Begin quiz" button).

Saving Answers:
Once inside the quiz, 1. on the right WebCT will indicated the time you have to take the quiz (if the instructor has made the test timed) and 2. how many questions there are (the yellow balls will turn into green checkmarks after you select "Save answer" for each of your questions).

On the left, 3. type in, or select your answer option then 4. click "Save answer". Continue to scroll down OR click the "Next" button to answer the next question.

Submitting a Quiz:
When you have answered and "saved answers" to all question (1. confirm by viewing the checkmarks on the left), click the "Finish" button.

Note: if you want to change a saved answer, select the new choice, then click "Save answer" button again. This will overwrite your original choice...if you do not remember to "save answer" the original answer will remain.

Click "OK" when prompted.

To finalize the submission, click "OK" again. If you neglect to do this last prompt the quiz will look as if it is still in progress on the instructors end which may slow down you receiving your score.

If the instructor has set up the option for you to see your grade upon submission, you will see a View results button, click it in order to scroll down through your submitted test to view scores, feedback, etc.,.

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Site managed by Linda Mcconnell
University of Hawaii, Distributed Learning & User Servers
Last Update:07/9/06