Holocaust Escapee and Swiss Philosopher Hansjörg A. Salmony: Evil Confirms the Existence of Free Will

by Dr. Tamara Albertini, UHM Chair and Professor of Philosophy

After witnessing the ravages of the Reichskristallnacht in 1938, Hansjörg A. Salmony (1920-1991) escaped from Germany to Belgium, France, and, finally, to Switzerland. In 1942, he began studying philosophy at the University of Basel where he later became Karl Jaspers’s assistant and, eventually, a full professor in 1960.

Dr. Albertini’s presentation will focus on Salmony’s unpublished “Lecture on Evil” in which he – without mentioning National Socialism –
reflects on Evil as evidence for the existence of human freedom.

Monday, April 5, 2021
Starting at 4:00 pm (HST)

Please, register with Prof. Peter Hoffenberg, peterh@hawaii.edu