- Talking About Nothing, Kumārila Bhaṭṭa, Metaphor and Reference
The Department of Philosophy Colloquium Series Presents Talking About Nothing, Kumārila Bhaṭṭa, Metaphor and Reference Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025Time: 4:00-5:30pmLocation: Sakamaki C-308 The seventh-century philosopher Kumārila Bhaṭṭa, in a passage explaining his theory of metaphor, also discusses the problem of negative existentials and non-referring terms. I show how Kumārila broadly descriptivist solution to these …
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- 2025 Uehiro Philosophy Graduate Student Conference
Political & Social Emotions– How They Divide or Unite – January 23-24, 2025University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Campus Center Ballroom Keynote Speakers: Dr. Martha Nussbaum, University of ChicagoDr. Hagop Sarkissian, CUNY Graduate Center Phone: +1 (808) 956-8649Email: philo@hawaii.edu
- 2024 Undergraduate Capstone Mini-Conference
December 11, 202412:30 – 3pmSakamaki C-308 Please join us in supporting this year’s outgoing undergraduate Philosophy majors. 3 of our 8 graduating seniors will present a paper based on This Life: Secular Faith & Spiritual Freedom by Martin Hagglund. The book analyzes the concepts of faith, love, and spirituality in a secular context in order …
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- Confucian Feminism: A Family- and Care-based Feminist Theory
The Department of Philosophy Colloquium Series Presents CONFUCIAN FEMINISM: A FAMILY- AND CARE-BASED FEMINIST THEORY Date: November 15, 2024Location: Sakamaki C-308Time: 2:30 – 4:30pm Everyone is welcome to attend! This nook offers a hybrid feminist theory based on distinctive Confucian concepts – such as ren 仁, xiao 孝, you 友, li 禮, and datong 大同 …
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- Did Evolution Shape the Human Moral Mind?
The Department of Philosophy Colloquium Series Presents Did Evolution Shape the Human Moral Mind? Date: November 8, 2024Location: Sakamaki C-308Time: 2:30 – 4:30pm Did evolution by natural selection shape our moral emotions, attitudes, and judgments? This talk assesses a prominent evolutionary proposal according to which our moral minds are adaptively plastic. On this proposal, morally …
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- PH.D. Final Oral Defense
Thinking Like Dao: Environmental Virtue Ethics in Daoism Friday, October 18, 202411:00 AM (ST) ABSTRACT:This dissertation aims to establish that Daoist ethics can be understood as a form ofenvironmental virtue ethics, grounded in the Laozi (?) and the Zhuangzi (?), andsupplemented by the Huainanzi (?). Specifically, the central argument is that the Daoist key concept …
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- RWCLS Colloquium Emotions in the Bhagavad Gita
Date: Friday, October 11, 2024 Time: 2:30 – 4:30pm Location: Arch 205 Professor Keya MaitraProfessor of Philosophy at UNC Asheville My paper aims to carry forward the cross-cultural dimension in the philosophy of emotion especially in relation to the Hindu text, the Bhagavad Gita or the Gita. Both Bilimoria & Johnson contend that the Gita …
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- Sultana’s Dream: Philosophical Accounts of Decolonial Feminist Consciousness and Social Identity
Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2024 Time: 3pm – 6pm Location: Sakamaki C-308 Professor Keya MaitraProfessor of Philosophy at UNC Asheville If you plan on attending, please RSVP to Professor Sean Smith Please read text if you plan to attend: https://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/sultana/dream/dream.html At least 10 years before Charlotte Perkins Gilman publishes Herland–often considered the first feminist utopian …
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- Welcome Reception for Dr. Keya Maitra
Rama Watumull Collaborative Lecture Series Visiting Speaker Monday, October 7, 2024 Location: Philosophy Department Lounge, Sakamaki C-308 Time: 4-6pm
- Hume’s Separability Principle & the Distinction of Reason: A Contradiction?
Sep 27 (Friday), 2024 @ 2:30pm (HST) Sakamaki Hall C-308 Philosophy Department ColloquiumK. Whittingslow Prize Presentation In Book One of A Treatise of Human Nature (1739), David Hume lays down a few foundational principles for his system. These principles are then invoked and employed consistently in the following two books on the passions and the …
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Thursday July 25, 202411:30am (HST) Title of Dissertation: Alternative Talk of the Indefinite: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Epistemic and Semantic Problems in the Metaphysics of Consciousness Doctoral Advisory Committee:Arindam Chakrabarti, Dept. of Philosophy (chair)Sean Smith, Dept. of PhilosophyFranklin Perkins, Dept. of PhilosophyGeorge Tsai, Dept. of Philosophy External members:Sai Bhatawadekar, Indo-Pacific Lang. and Lit., UHMAnand Vaidya, …
Friday, June 21, 2024, 2pm (HST) via Zoom Title of Dissertation: Exploring Alternative Foundations: Xuanxue Philosophers’ Quest for Social and Political Order Post-Han Dynasty Collapse
- 12th East West Philosophers’ Conference
MAY 24-31, 2024. Co-sponsored by the Department
of Philosophy, University of Hawai‘i
at Mānoa and the East-West Center
Honolulu, Hawai‘i
- How to Be a Nonconsequentialist and Still Save the Greater Number
Thursday, May 2, 2024, 2:30 PM. Ben Kiesewetter is a Professor of Practical Philosophy at Bielefeld University in Germany. In this talk, Dr. Kiesewetter will criticize Scanlon’s contractualist attempt to defend the duty to save the greater number.
- EAducation: Letters from Hawaiʻi to Palestine
EAducation: Letters from Hawaiʻi to Palestine | Friday, April 26, 2024, 2:30 PM | Sakamaki Hall C-308
- Equality & Elitism: Early Modern Women and the Philosophy of Friendship
Thursday, April 25, 2024. Michaela Manson, PhD is an instructor at Simon Fraser University. In this talk, Dr. Manson will argue that accounts of friendship of some early modern women philosophers formulate the ideal of friendship in a way that averts the elitism objection while preserving commitments to virtue and similarity.
- Knowing the Future: Based on Yijingʻs Theory of Situational Meaning
Friday, April 19, 2024. The lecture will be followed by a reception celebrating Dr. Chung-ying Cheng’s retirement and over 60 years of service to the University of Hawaiʻi.
- The Eliot Deutsch PhD Merit Award
The Eliot Deutsch PhD Merit Award
Award Presentation and Winner’s Talk – “Forgiveness as a Transformative Project” | Friday, April 12, 2024, 2:30 PM | Sakamaki Hall C-308
- Keith Whittingslow Prize for Best Graduate Essay
Prize Presentation and Winner’s Essay Presentation – “A Partial Case for Pragmatic Encroachment” by Sera Kong – Friday, March 15, 2024, 2:30pm
- Uehiro Graduate Student Conference 2024
The Benefit of the Doubt: Skepticism, Epistemic and Moral. March 7-8th.
“The Worlds of Wang Guowei: A Philosophical Case Study of Coloniality”
– MARCH 1, 2024
3:30pm HST via Zoom
- Spinoza and Asian Philosophy. Reading Pierre Bayle’s Historical and Critical Dictionary (1702)
With Dr. Mateusz Janik, Assistant Professor, Polish Academy of Sciences, Visiting Fulbright Scholar – March 1, 2024, 12:00-14:00
- Free Will and the Afterlife: A philosophical Comparison between Asia and the West
Presented by: Neil Sinhababu, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Singapore. February 23, 2024
Join the philosophy department for a service event tending to the niu (coconut) trees followed by a potluck lunch. Some trees are ready to take home!
- Mandarin Robe, Jesuit Body: Epistemology of Accommodation and the Origins of Comparative Philosophy
Mandarin Robe, Jesuit Body: Epistemology of Accommodation and the Origins of Comparative Philosophy.
– Friday, January 26
– Speaker: Mateusz Janik
- Department of Philosophy Dissertation defense by Elijah Byrnes
Arendt is commonly read as relegating death to the private and opposing natality—the political condition par excellence—to mortality. And yet…
- Upcoming UH Mānoa Philosophy Conference
Prospects, Problems, and Urgency of Global Intercultural Philosophy Now. December 04-06, 2023 at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Center for Korean Studies, Auditorium
- Department of Philosophy Dissertation Defense Announcement
Date: December 1, 2023
“The Concept of Ekstasis in the Modern Japanese Philosophy of Nishitani Keiji”
Join the philosophy department for a service event planting niu (coconut) trees at the uluniu coconut grove. The work day will be followed by a potluck lunch!
- “Discover Manoa Day”
Art Auditorium, Saturday, October 21, 2023 Diotima and Socrates. An Encounter for the AgesElla Marsh and Ruel Mannette, UH PhD Candidates in Philosophy A Philosopher’s Self-Debate on the Subject of DeathDr. Sean Smith, Assistant Professor, UH Department of Philosophy
- Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning
Applications of artificial intelligence are ubiquitous in everyday life. Who doesn’t use a smartphone or a smartwatch? However, relatively few of us are actually familiar with how AI systems work. This talk will attempt to close this gap.
- Eliot Deutsch Merit Award Presentation: Neil Sims
- Chatbot Passes Turing Test
- Wayfinding Across the Pacific
- A Rilkean Challege to Herder on Aesthetic Appreciation of Sculpture
K. Whittingslow Prize Presentation for Best Graduate Essay by Husayn Ja’fari Friday, March 24, 20232:30pm HST . Sakamaki C308 Johann Gottfried Herder argues in Sculpture that the sense of touch is essential to the aesthetic appreciation of sculpture, while other senses play only a limited role, if any. While we may grant him the inclusion …
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- The Philosophy Department Colloquium Series Presents
Leo Strauss’s Theory on Tyranny: Ancient and Modern. This talk deals with the theory on tyranny by Leo Strauss (1899-1973), the German American scholar who was one of the leading political philosophers of the 20th century. His disciples are called the Straussians, and they are influential not only in America but all over the world.
AND COSMOPOLITANISMDr. Yong Li, (PhD, Saint Louis University), Professor of Philosophy at Wuhan University, Associate Dean of School of philosophy. Dr. Li works primarily in ethics and political philosophy, and focuses on Confucian ethics and comparative political philosophy.
- Where Will Our Bones End Up?
Jeff Mikulina on the cultural impacts of climate change Dec. 2, 2022, 2:30-4:00pm, POST 127 Click here to view the full flier
- Palehua Workday
Native Forest Restoration with Dr. Manulani Aluli Meyer Saturday, November 19th. EMAIL FOR RSVP / DIRECTIONS / CARPOOL: TBHUNTER@HAWAII.EDU Click here to view the full flyer.
- The Annual Ruth Lenney Memorial EPOCH Lecture: Can Machines Have Emotions?
Presented by Anand Jayprakash Vaidya, Professor of Philosophy at San José State University Friday, November 4th at 2:30pm (HST) in room POST 126 Click here to view the full flyer. Workshop the following day: Mind and Moral Ground: a Workshop with Anand Vaidya, Sean Smith and George Tsai Saturday, November 5th, 9:30am-12:30pm SAKAM C 308 …
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- How to Read Ancient Chinese Philosophy: Interpretation and the Problem of Authorship
Recent Event: ” In this faculty dialogue, Tao Jiang, Esther Sunkyung Klein, and Franklin Perkins will explore the implications of that conclusion for how we should read and interpret classical Chinese philosophical texts.” Click here to view the full flyer.
- Yin-Yang Philosophy and its Implications in Contemporary Times
Colloquium talk presented by Professor Yao Xinzhong, School of Philosophy, Remin University of China Friday, October 14th at 2:30pm (HST) via zoom. Click here to view the full flyer.
- Philosophy For Everyone
Thursdays @6:00pm in the Bale courtyard. Click here to view the full flyer.
- Falsity in Advaita Vedānta: Recognizing the Semantic Dilemma for Metaphysics of Consciousness
April 29, 2022, 2:30pm (HST), University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Room POST 126 Colloquium Presentation by Emma Irwin-Herzog, Winner of the 2022 Eliot Deutsch PhD Merit Award Click here to view the full flyer
- Ka Hulikanaka a me Ka Hoʻokūʻonoʻono: Davida Malo and Richard Armstrong on Being Human and Living Well
Colloquium Presentation by Dr. Michael Kaulana Ing Event Details: April 22, 2022 at 2:30pm (HST), UH Mānoa Room POST 126 Click here to view the full flyer
- Fatigue, Sleep, and Insomnia
Presented by Professor Arindam Chakrabarti Friday, April 8, 2022 at 2:30pm (HST) University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Room POST 126 Click the following link for the full flyer: https://hawaii.edu/phil/wp-content/uploads/Fatigue-Sleep-and-Insomnia-Flyer.png
- Holographic Epistemology: Native Common Sense
Presented by Dr. Manulani Aluli Meyer, Konohiki, Kūlana o Kapolei, University of Hawaiʻi West Oʻahu With an introduction by Jon Osorio, Dean of Hawai’inuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge Friday March 11, 2022, 2:30 pm (HST), UH Mānoa, Room POST 126 Click the following link to view the full flier: https://hawaii.edu/phil/wp-content/uploads/Holographic-Epistemology-Flyer-.png
- On Recognizing an Opportunity: The Role of Imagination in Our Knowledge of Action-Possibilities
Presented by Ian Nicolay, recipient of the 2022 Keith Whittingslow Graduate Student Essay Prize Friday March 4, 2022, 2:30pm (HST), UH Mānoa, Room POST 126 Click the following link for the full flyer: https://hawaii.edu/phil/wp-content/uploads/On-Recognizing-an-Opportunity-Flyer-Updated.png
- Do Beliefs Need Justification?
Abstract: I argue that the widespread use of “justification” language in contemporary epistemology carries substantial normative presuppositions. “Justification” language in general presupposes that the action in question is pro tanto wrong. In the case of epistemology, discussion of whether beliefs are “justified” insinuates that belief in general is to be suspected or regretted, even if one’s …
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- Inter-cultural Philosophies of the Sea: Cultivating a Pragmatist Transoceanic Consciousness in Addressing Settler Allyship in Hawai’i
I hope to develop a pragmatist inspired analysis of a transoceanic consciousness that (a) locates philosophical analysis that addresses particular and situated social and political problems in Hawaiʻi and its reverberations throughout Oceania and (b) articulates a specific metaphysics, epistemology and ethics of the ocean. A transoceanic consciousness emerges as a response to the ongoing histories of settler …
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- Capstone Conference
Please join us for the upcoming Capstone Conference, showcasing the work of our graduating Undergraduate Philosophy Majors! https://hawaii.edu/phil/wp-content/uploads/2021-Dec-Undergraduate-Capstone-Conference-Flyer_1-scaled.jpg
- On Thich Nhat Hanh, Fear of Death and the Consolations of Science
This talk critically examines Thich Nhat Hanh’s attempt to interface Buddhist views about fear with science.
- Embodied Perspectives, Affective Bias,and Some Norms of Attention
In this talk I present an argument that the pervasiveness of affective bias on our conscious attention makes our attention normatively accessible in various ways.
- Imaginability: From Mind to Morals
There is a long tradition in the philosophy of mind, stretching from Rene Descartes to David Chalmers…
- Thinking Singular Plural: on Jean-Luc Nancy
The early 1990s marks a watershed in the history of Europe and the world but also in the life and work of Jean-Luc Nancy (1940-2021).