Monthly Archives: December 2021

CALL FOR PAPERS: 2022 Uehiro Graduate Philosophy Conference


Cross Currents:

Change, Transformation, & Becoming

2022 Uehiro Graduate Philosophy Conference 

Sponsored by the Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Dates of Conference:
March 16-17

Venue: Hybrid Online/In-Person

Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Roger T. Ames, Peking University

Dr. Laurie A. Paul, Yale University

Dr. Jonathan D. Fine, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa


The Uehiro Graduate Student Philosophy Conference showcases exceptional work by graduate and advanced undergraduate students in all fields of philosophy.

Submissions are welcome on, but not limited to, the following topics: the metaphysics of change, the metaphysics of identity, cultural change, historical change, value change and acquisition, political change, conceptual changes and shifts, novelty, invention, creation, discovery, climate change, evolution, adaptation, education, personal change, development, and transformation, transformational aesthetic experiences, the seasons, impermanence, comparative philosophy/perspectives on the nature of change, along with interdisciplinary and cross-cultural studies on the concept of change and related subjects.

Email abstracts and full papers to Papers should be suitable for a 20-minute presentation. In the body of the email include: 1) Your name, 2) Title of the paper, 3) Institutional affiliation, and 4) Contact information (email, phone number, mailing address). Send documents in word format with no identifying information for blind review. Priority will be given to complete papers. All submissions will be considered for possible publication in the Uehiro Conference Proceedings, published in the past by Cambridge Scholars Press.