What is a Huggles?

Book by Joy Cowley

Lesson plan by Wendy Miyasato


Students will be able to:

  • Make predictions by looking at the pictures.
  • Follow and read along by following teacher's crispy pointing and picture cues.


What is a Huggles? Book by Joy Cowley


1. Read the title, author, and illustrator of the book.

2. Ask students: What is the title? What does the author do? What does the illustrator do?

3. Ask for students' comments about the picture on the book: What do you notice? What do you think s/he is like? Why do you think that?

4. Do picture walk with students. Show students the pictures in the book. Students can comment on what they see.

5.State purpose for reading book; to find out what a Huggles is. "Let's find out what a Huggles is..." Read book aloud without crispy pointing to demonstrate fluent reading.

6. Invite students to read along for the second reading. Teacher uses crispy pointing.

7. Initiate discussion about book. Do you think Huggles is a real animal/creature? Why? What is not a Huggles? What tells you that? What else did we learn about Huggles?


  • Students' predictions about the book: It will be a bear, a Huggles, or a person.
  • Students' reading aloud while following the teacher's crispy pointing, directionality of words, and using picture cues.

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