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Ka Leo ʻO Hawaiʻi

Ka Leo ʻO Hawaiʻi started in 1922 and is independently produced by students of all majors at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. The newspaper is printed Monday, Wednesday and Thursday with a circulation of 10,000.

Ka Leo ʻO Hawaiʻi seeks to foster informed involvement throughout the University of Hawaiʻi community. As the official newspaper of the University of Hawaiʻi, Ka Leo endeavors to become a cornerstone of intellectual exchange on campus. The paper continually strives to be inclusive and balanced in reporting, while sustaining the values of journalistic integrity and reliability.


Ka Lamakua

Ka Lamakua represents "the creative element" at the University of Hawaiʻi as its premiere online arts ʻzine.  This weekly publication strives to present an "alternative voice" in college news media thorough innovative reporting of matters that pertain to the UH community and beyond.  As part of this engagement, Ka Lamakua specifically investigates contemporary Hawai`i fringe culture with a focus on creativity and the arts.

Kalamakua was the name of a Waikīkī chief who was loved by his people for his ability to reason out skillful means by which to negotiate between people. He created large pond fields for the cultivation of agriculture as well as several auwai to feed them. Because of this, Waikīkī was named the main hub of the Hawaiian islands. Kalamakua's name was mentioned in the Kumulipo, which reminds one of the idea of great feats of creation. Kalamakua was also the name of Samuel Kamakau's publishing house for the initial printing of Ruling Chiefs, which, to those on the staff, denotes a great leap in literacy and cultural understanding from those who are most qualified to speak about the history and culture of Hawai‘i: Hawaiians.


Hawaiʻi Review

Founded in 1973, Hawaiʻi Review is a student run bi-annual literary journal featuring national, international, as well as regional literature of Hawaiʻi and the Pacific. Hawaiʻi Review features fiction, poetry, essays, interviews and reviews from both established and emerging writers and is a member of the Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines, and indexed by the American Humanities Index, the Index of American Periodical Verse, Writer's Market and Poet's Market.


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