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On June 11, 1966, the University of Hawai'i Board of Regents (BOR) approved the reorganization and subsequent separation of the Board of Publications (BOP) from the Associated Students of the University of Hawai'i (ASUH), the undergraduate student government, as a BOR Chartered Student Organization (CSO). This first, independent, student publications governing board consisted of seven voting members: four students and three faculty.

Over the years, the BOP's composition has changed; current membership consists of 14 members: nine students (undergraduate and/or graduate), three faculty and/or staff, one professional from the publications media industry, and one alumnus.

Student members are nominated by a screening committee and appointed by the UH President or his/her designee. Only student members may serve as executive officers and committee chairs of the BOP.

The BOP is the legal publisher of all student publications supported by funds derived from a dedicated portion of student activity fees on University of Hawai‘i-Mānoa (UHM) campus. The BOP provides the UHM campus community with the best journalistic, literary and publication services possible.

The BOP provides fiscal and management oversight, through established policies, to all of its publications, programs and services, ensuring that a free and unfettered student press exists and flourishes on the UHM campus. These publications, programs and services provide students with practical experiences in the editorial, advertising, circulation, production and business functions of journalistic and literary publications.

Currently, the BOP publishes the campus newspaper,
Ka Leo ʻO Hawaiʻi, a creative online ‘zine, Ka Lamakua, and an international literary journal, The Hawai'i Review.

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2008-2009 Directory