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The following charter was adopted by the Board of Publications on February 19, 1988.

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University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

This organization shall be known as the Board of Publications, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, herein referred to as “Board” or simply “BOP.”

The Board shall establish and publish all publications supported by funds derived from student activity fees which are dedicated for student publications. The Board shall provide the necessary management and fiscal oversight to its publications, programs, and services. Further, the Board shall provide the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, herein referred to as “University” or simply “UHM,” campus community with the best journalistic, literary, publication, and production services possible, given the resources available.


Section 1. Composition
A. The Board shall consist of fourteen (14) voting members.
B. The voting membership shall consist of the following people, who shall be appointed by the University of Hawai‘i, herein referred to as “UH,” President or designee in accordance with procedures set forth in Article VI of the BOP Bylaws:
1. Nine (9) student members.
2. Three (3) faculty or staff members.
3. One (1) professional member.
4. One (1) alumnus member.
C. The Coordinator for Student Publications shall be the Co-curricular Activities, Programs, and Services, herein referred to as “CAPS,” designated advisor to the Board.
Section 2. Term of Office
All voting members of the Board shall be appointed for two-year terms except when replacing a member who does not complete a term. No more than seven (7) of the voting members’ terms shall expire routinely in any one year. A year is defined as the period June 1 to May 31.
Section 3. Eligibility For Voting Members
A. Student Board members must be registered, BOP fee-paying UHM students, and shall be full-time or part-time, undergraduates or graduates. No person paid for work on any publication or program under BOP jurisdiction shall be a voting student Board member. Voting student Board members shall not serve concurrently as an executive officer appointed, or elected, or a hired member of any other UHM Chartered Student Organization.
B. Faculty or staff Board members must be full-time UHM employees in a faculty, Administrative, Professional, and Technical (APT); or civil service position. No person paid for work on any publication or program under BOP jurisdiction shall be a voting faculty or staff Board member. Voting faculty or staff Board members shall not concurrently serve as executive officers, appointed, or elected, or hired members of any other UHM Chartered Student Organization.
C. The professional Board member shall be from the field of journalism, broadcast or print, or the field of publications, including electronic publications. The professional Board member may be active or retired, and shall not hold concurrently a full-time UHM faculty or staff appointment. No person paid for work on any publication or program under BOP jurisdiction shall be a voting professional Board member. Voting professional Board members shall not concurrently serve as executive officers, appointed, or elected, or hired members of any other UHM Chartered Student Organization.
D. The alumnus Board member must be a UHM graduate who is not currently a UHM student. No person paid for work on any publication or program under BOP jurisdiction shall be a voting alumnus Board member. Voting alumnus Board members shall not concurrently serve as executive officers, appointed, or elected, or hired members of any other UHM Chartered Student Organization.

Section 1. Authority
The legal title to all funds and property of the Board shall be vested in and subject to the ultimate control of the UH Board of Regents in the same manner other University property is subject to University administrative procedures and policies.
Section 2. Powers and Duties
A. The Board shall have full power to administer the finances relating to its publications, programs, and services.
B. The Board shall have full power to establish, review, and revise those rates and charges which are integral features of its publications, programs, and services.
C. The Board shall have full power to establish, review, and revise all salaries, stipends, commission rates, and honoraria which are provided for its publications, programs, and services. Furthermore, it shall have power to delay and/or suspend salaries, stipends commissions, or honoraria for just cause.
D. In matters of quality, responsibility, and journalistic ethics, the Board shall be the review and appellate body for its publications, programs, and services.
E. The Board shall have full power to create, revise, or discontinue publications, programs and services within its jurisdiction.
F. The Board shall appoint its program heads and shall confirm or deny all program executive staff appointments.
G. The Board shall remove its members and appointees in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article III of the Bylaws.
H. The Board must, before the end of each fiscal year, review its financial status and prepare its operational budget for the next fiscal year.
I. The Board shall review and approve annual program plans prepared by appointed program heads. Such plans may be based on either the academic year or the fiscal year.
J. Annually, but no later than June 30, the Board shall elect its executive officers.
K. The Board shall report administratively to the UH President or a designee via established University channels.
L. The Board shall have other powers and duties as specified elsewhere in this Charter and Bylaws and in any operating policies which it may establish.


There shall be three (3) executive officers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Treasurer. The executive officers shall be voting student Board members and shall be elected by a majority vote of the voting Board membership.


Section 1. Standing Committees
There shall be the following standing committees:
A. Executive.
The Executive Committee shall coordinate all Board committees, programs, departments, services, and activities through an organizational framework established by this Charter, Bylaws, and Operating
Rules of the Board. Further, the committee shall propose for Board consideration goals, policies, and operating procedures designed for the Board itself.
B. Rules and Policies.
The Rules and Policies Committee shall initiate or receive, investigate, and make recommendations on operation procedures of programs and make recommendations on proposed amendments to the Charter, Bylaws, and Operating Rules of the Board.
C. Screening.
The Screening Committee shall establish application procedures, actively recruit, and recommend for appointment one (1) candidate per vacant seat to the UH President or a designee on behalf of the UH Board of Regents. The committee shall only interview candidates applying for voting student Board membership.
D. Planning and Finance.
The Planning and Finance Committee shall initiate or receive, investigate, and make recommendations on all issues pertaining to the appropriation of Board funds and all rate changes by programs under BOP jurisdiction. The committee shall also, assist the Treasurer in preparing and submitting for Board approval the next fiscal year’s operating budget at least one meeting before the last meeting of the current fiscal year.
E. Personnel.
The Personnel Committee shall establish application procedures, recruit, and recommend at least two (2) candidates for open BOP program head positions. Further, the committee shall also evaluate the performance of all BOP program heads.
Section 2. Other Committees
Additional standing and ad hoc committees may also be established.
Section 3. Committee Chairs
All standing committee chairs shall be voting student Board members.

Section 1. Annual Appointments
All BOP program head and program executive staff positions shall be filled annually by the procedures set forth in
Article VII of the Bylaws.
Section 2. Other Appointments
All other positions shall be filled as needed following the procedures set forth in Article X of the Bylaws.


Section 1. Activity Fee
The UH Board of Regents has established a mandatory per capita UHM student activities fee for the Board. Revenue derived from this fee shall be deposited in a University account as required by law.
Section 2. Other Revenue
All non-fee revenue earned by or given to the Board shall be deposited in a University account as required by law.
Section 3. Grants and Awards
In accordance with established University policies and procedures, the Board may accept grants and awards from individuals or organizations.
Section 4. University Administrative Support
The Board may receive administrative support for all its programs, in consideration of the open distribution of Ka Leo O Hawai‘i and the availability of other publications and services to all segments of the UHM community, or as otherwise determined in consultation with the University administration.
Section 5. Responsibility
The Board shall be responsible for annual and long-term budgeting and for the expenditure of its funds, subject to annual approval by the UH President or a designee. All expenditures shall be made in accordance with established University policies and procedures.


The Board may appoint advisors and/or advisory committees to its publications, programs, and services as needed.


Section 1.
Each Board member shall be indemnified by the organization against expenses (including attorney’s fees), judgments, fines, and amounts paid in settlement and/or actually and reasonably incurred in connection with any action, suit, or proceeding to which the person may be made a party by reason of being or having been a Board member of the organization (whether or not this person continues to be acting in such capacity at the time of incurring such charges) if this person acted in good faith and in a manner he or she reasonably believed to be in the best interest of the organization, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful, provided, however, that this person shall have no right to indemnification, if, in any criminal action or proceeding, he or she shall be finally adjudged to have been willfully and knowingly criminally derelict in the performance of his or her duty as such Board member.
Section 2.
A person shall have no indemnification if he or she fails to give prompt notice to the organization of any such action, suit, or proceedings, or fails to tender the defense of such action, suit, or proceeding to the organization, or fails to cooperate in the defense of such action, suit, or proceedings.
Section 3.
Foregoing the right of indemnification shall not be exclusive of other rights to which the person may be entitled as a matter of law.


If any portion of this Charter or its application to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid for any reason, then the organization hereby declares that the remainder of the Charter and each and every other provision thereof shall not be affected thereby.

Section 1.
This Charter shall take effect after approval by a simple majority of the Board and subsequent approval by the UH President or a designee on behalf of the UH Board of Regents. This Charter shall be binding and shall take precedence over all previous BOP Charters.
Section 2.
This Charter and Bylaws shall stand as a whole.


Section 1.
This Charter may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the full voting Board membership and subsequent approval by the UH President or a designee on behalf of the UH Board of Regents.
Section 2.
Amendment proposals must be submitted in writing to all voting Board members at least two (2) weeks prior to Board action.
Section 3.
A public hearing on all amendments shall be held prior to final Board approval.
Amended by the Board of Publications, UHM on 19 February 1998. Approved by the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa on 6 July 1998.