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The following bylaws were adopted by the Board of Publications on December 3, 2007.

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University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Section 1. General Business Meetings
General business meetings shall be scheduled each month and shall be open to the public. Notice of a general business meeting of the BOP shall be posted on the BOP bulletin board, located in Campus Center complex, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting and may also be printed in Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Additional special meetings may be called by the BOP Chair, Vice Chair, or Treasurer, or on written request by any four (4) voting members. All Board members shall be notified of the time, place, and agenda a minimum of 48 hours in advance.
Section 2. Closed Meetings
Meetings conducted under Executive Session shall be closed to the public. The Board shall move into Executive Session at a general business meeting or a committee meeting only to discuss the following:
A. The medical, financial, credit, or employment history of a particular person or corporation or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, suspension, dismissal, or removal of a particular person or corporation, provided that the meeting shall be open if the particular person or corporation so requests.
B. Proposed, pending, or current litigation.
C. The proposed purchase, sale, or lease of real property, or the proposed purchase, sale, or trade of securities, buy only when publicity would substantially affect the value of such real property or securities.
D. The performance and behavior of a Board member, employee, or a program staff member.
Section 3. Quorum
A majority of voting members but no less than seven (7) voting members, whichever is the greater, shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4. Parliamentary Authority
The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern deliberations on all points not covered by this Charter and Bylaws or by the Operating Rules of the Board.

Voting members are required to participate as follows:
A. Limit unexcused absences to three (3) general business meetings per year.
B. Serve actively on at least two committees and participate in BOP projects.
C. Seek to serve the diverse needs of all segments of the UHM campus community.
D. Become well acquainted with the Charter, Bylaws, and Operating Rules of the Board.
E. Strive to uphold the provisions of the Charter and Bylaws and work within the guidelines provided by this document and by the Operating Rules of the Board.
F. Be the primary advocates at all times for the Board’s philosophy, goals, and programs.

Section 1. Procedures
A. Voting Board members: After receiving a request for action to remove signed by one (1) or more voting members, the Coordinator for Student Publications or a designee shall notify all voting members in writing a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the meeting on which the action on the request is anticipated. The request for action to remove must be confidential and must contain specific reasons for requesting the voting member’s removal. The original, signed copy of the request must be retained in the confidential files of the Board. By a majority of voting members or seven (7) voting members, whichever number is greater, the Board may send a recommendation for removal to the UH President or designee. In the absence of a Board recommendation, the UH President or designee may remove a member only after presentation of cause at a general business meeting and after consideration of the Board’s response.
Board Officers: The Chair, Vice Chair, and/or Treasurer may be removed from office by a majority of voting members or seven (7) voting members, whichever number is the greater.
Appointed staff.
1. BOP program heads: After receiving a request for action to remove a BOP program head signed by one (1) or more voting members, the Coordinator for Student Publications or a designee shall notify all voting members and the program head in question in writing a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the meeting on which the action on the request is anticipated. The request for action to remove must be confidential and must contain specific reasons for requesting the program head’s removal. The original, signed copy of the request must be retained in the confidential files of the Board. The Board may remove a program head by a majority of voting members or seven (7) voting members, whichever number is greater. The Board must hold a hearing on the removal of any program head in question upon his or her request.
Executive student staff of BOP programs: Program heads have the authority to remove any member of their executive staff, subject to the procedures outlined in the Charter, Bylaws, Operating Rules of the Board, and to the confirmation by the Board.
Non-executive staff: Program heads are authorized to remove the non-executive staff members of their program subject to established procedures set forth in the Operating Rules of the Board.
Section 2. Reasons for Removal
Grounds for removal include but are not limited to those listed below.
A. Voting Board members:
1. Failure to maintain eligibility for the position shall lead to immediate dismissal.
2. Willful misuse of the position, Board assets, facilities, property, or supplies.
3. Failure to meet the obligations of membership specified in Article II of these Bylaws.
4. Submission of a written statement of cause by the UH President or a designee to the Board.
B. BOP program heads:
1. Those grounds cited in A of this section.
2. Surrender of or removal from appointive office.
3. Failure to meet the responsibilities, obligations of offices described in these Bylaws, and Operating Rules of the Board.
C. Executive student staff of BOP programs:
1. Those grounds cited in A-1, A-2, and A-4 of this section.
2. Failure to meet the responsibilities and Operating Rules of the Board.
3. Submission of a written statement of cause by the program head.

Section 1. The Chair
The Chair shall convene meetings, prepare the agenda, create BOP committees and appoint committee members (subject to BOP approval), be spokesperson for the Board in all matters pertinent to the Board’s interest and jurisdiction, and assume other duties as directed by the BOP, the Charter, Bylaws, the Operating Rules of the Board, and the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 2. The Vice Chair
The Vice Chair shall serve in the absence of the Chair and shall assume other duties as directed by the Board, the Charter, Bylaws, the Operating Rules of the Board, and the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 3. The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall regularly review all BOP financial records, regularly submit to the BOP financial statements for all BOP accounts, and prepare the annual budget. The Treasurer shall utilize the resources of the CAPS program and fiscal staff. The Treasurer shall assume other duties as directed by the BOP, the Charter, Bylaws, the Operating Rules of the Board, and the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

The Coordinator for Student Publications shall provide professional advice to all BOP publications and programs, without exercising direct control over the content of any publications which exists as a public forum for the free exchange of ideas. In the discharge of BOP-related duties, the Coordinator for Student Publications shall be responsible to the BOP and shall act in a manner consistent with the basic philosophy of the Board as embodied in its Charter and Bylaws. In addition to the specific responsibilities and duties established in an official University job description, the Coordinator for Student Publications shall:
A. Administer policies and funds as directed by the Board.
B. Facilitate cooperation between the Board and its various programs.
C. Prepare and present special reports as requested by the Board.
D. Assist the Treasurer in preparing the annual operating budget for review and approval.
E. Publish the agenda, ensure that the minutes of all Board and committee meetings are taken, and distribute both agenda and minutes to all members in a timely manner.
F. Maintain a master file of all minutes and documents at the BOP office.
G. Maintain a current BOP job/position description file.
H. Facilitate the orientation of new Board members and the ongoing education of all Board members regarding the workings of the BOP and its programs.
I. Perform other duties as may be required by the Charter, Bylaws, and the Operating Rules of the Board.

Section 1. Recruitment
The BOP shall announce in three (3) consecutive issues of Ka Leo O Hawai‘i all vacancies for voting member positions. These announcements must be made annually no later than the end of the second week of February, or as circumstances warrant.
Section 2. Screening
There shall be a screening committee whose duty shall be to actively recruit, interview and recommend to the UH President or designee candidates for voting student positions on the Board.
A. Membership: The committee shall consist of at least (3) three voting members specified in C of this section. No member of this committee shall be at the same time be an applicant for voting Board membership.
Terms of Office: Members of the committee shall be appointed no later than October 1 each year, and shall serve as needed until April 30 of the next year.
Appointment Procedures:
1. The BOP Chair, with the Board’s approval, shall appoint three (3) members from among the Board’s voting membership.
2. Student program heads shall together appoint one (1) member to represent BOP Programs.
3. The Broadcast Communication Authority (BCA) shall appoint one member.
4. The Director of CAPS shall appoint a CAPS staff member to serve as advisor to the committee.
5. If the appointments specified in C-2 and C-3 of this section are not made by October 1, the BOP Chair shall have the authority to appoint these members subject to BOP approval.
D. Duty: The committee shall recommend to the UH President or a designee one (1) person per vacancy and a list of alternates, if any, in accordance with the provisions of this Charter and Bylaws, and Operating Rules of the Board.
Section 3. Exceptions
The names of the candidates applying for voting faculty/staff, alumnus, and professional BOP membership shall be transmitted to the UH President or a designee for appointment. Criteria for selection shall include but not be limited to: (1) Contribution to professional journalism or publications; and (2) Potential for significant contribution to UHM student publications.
Section 4. Rejection of Appointment
By written notification to the BOP, the UH President or a designee may reject any recommendation and shall request that the Board submit the name of a different candidate.

Section 1. Program Heads
A. Notices of all vacancies shall appear in three (3) consecutive issues of Ka Leo O Hawai‘i not later than the end of the second week of February, or as circumstances warrant.
B. The Board shall interview eligible applicants and make appointments no later than March 31, or as circumstances warrant. A majority vote of the Board is needed to appoint all program heads.
Section 2. Executive Student Staff of All Publications
A. Program heads shall advertise for applications for executive staff positions in no fewer than three (3) consecutive issues of Ka Leo O Hawai‘i not later than two weeks after being appointed, or as circumstances warrant. Program heads shall pursue other recruitment options as appropriate.
B. Program heads shall interview eligible applicants for executive staff positions and forward their selections to the Board for appointment.
C. Program heads shall advertise for application for student staff positions in no fewer than three (3) consecutive issues of
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i no later than two weeks after being appointed, or as circumstances warrant.

Section 1. Program Heads
A. Qualifications for all program heads shall include but not be limited to:
1. Prior related experience: Program heads must have had training and/or experience considered by the Board to have raised them to the level of expertise required for the position.
2. Student Status: Program heads must be registered, BOP fee-paying, degree-seeking UHM students, and may be full-time or part-time, undergraduates who carry a minimum course load of six (6) credits or graduates who carry a minimum course load of (4) credits.
3. Restrictions: No program head shall be a voting Board member and/or concurrently serve as an executive officer, elected, or appointed, or a member, hired, elected, or appointed, of any other UHM Chartered Student Organization, herein referred to as “CSO.” In addition, no program head shall concurrently hold an executive staff position on any other BOP publication or program.
B. Terms of office for program heads and staff members of Ka Leo O Hawai‘i, Hawai‘i Review, and the advertising department shall be for one (1) year starting May 15 and ending May 14 the following year, or as set be the Board. The terms of office for other programs created by the Board shall, be determined by the Board at the time of program’s creation.
C. A Board-approved job description shall define the duties and responsibilities of all program head positions.
Section 2. Executive Student Staff of All Programs
A. Executive student staff positions shall include but not be limited to:
1. BOP Advertising: Assistant Advertising Manager(s).
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i: Managing Editor, News Editor, Chief Copy Editor, Editorial Editor, Features Editor, Sports Editor, and Photo Editor.
Hawai‘i Review: Managing Editor.
4. Other programs: Subject to Board authorization.
B. Qualifications for executive student staff members shall include but not be limited to:
1. Prior related training and/or experience: Executive staff members must have had training and/or experience considered by the Board to have raised them to the level of expertise required for the position.
2. Student Status: Executive student staff members must be registered, BOP fee-paying, degree-seeking UHM students, and may be full-time or part-time, undergraduates who carry a minimum course load of six (6) credits or graduates who carry a minimum course load of four (4) credits.
3. Restrictions: No executive student staff member shall be a voting Board member and shall not concurrently serve as an executive officer, elected, or appointed, or a member, hired, elected, or appointed, of any other CSO. In addition, no executive staff member shall concurrently hold an executive staff position on any other BOP publication or program.
C. Terms of office for all executive student staff members shall be for one (1) year starting May 15 and ending May 14 the following year, or as set by the Board.
D. A Board-approved job description shall define the duties and responsibilities of all executive student staff positions.
Section 3. Student Staff of All Programs
A. Student staff positions shall include but not limited to:
1. BOP Advertising: National Account Executive and Account Executive.
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i: Associate Editor, Night Copy Editor, Copy Editor, and Staff Writer.
Hawai‘i Review: Assistant Editor, Graphics Editor, and Reader.
4. Other Programs: Subject to Board authorization.
B. Qualifications for student staff members shall include but not limited to:
1. Student Status: Student staff members must be registered BOP fee-paying, degree seeking, UHM students, and may be full-time or part-time, undergraduates must carry a minimum course load of six (6) credits and graduates must carry a minimum course load of four (4) credits.
Restrictions: Student staff members shall not be voting BOP members and must not concurrently serve as executive officer, elected, or appointed, or hired members of any other CSO.
C. A Board-approved job description shall define the duties and responsibilities of all student staff position.

Section 1. Management
A. The Board shall determine the basic purpose and operating philosophy of its production department (Beau Press). The Board shall decide on the best means of achieving that purpose and philosophy.
B. The Board may appoint or contract with one or more persons or companies to secure appropriate managerial expertise and technical-mechanical services. The Board shall determine the need and specifications for all such appointments or contracts. Appropriate University policies and procedure shall be followed in the implementation of chosen methods.
Section 2. Staff
A. The BOP production staff shall consist of the Production Manager for Student Publications and full-time or part-time workers hired on the basis of need as regular University employees or in accordance with the terms of any management contract(s) which may be established by the Board.
B. The qualifications, terms of appointment, and responsibilities of all production staff positions shall be established by the Board in accordance with appropriate University policies and procedures and with the terms of any management contract(s) which may be established.

Section 1. Creation and Funding of Positions
The Board may create and fund full-time or part-time University positions designed to provide long-term professional support. These positions must be established in accordance with University policies and procedures and are subject to University approval.
A. Coordinator for Student Publications: The responsibilities and duties of the Coordinator for Student Publications are specified in Article V of these Bylaws.
B. Advisors to BOP Programs: The program advisors shall provide professional advice to all BOP publications and programs, without exercising direct control over the content of any publication. In addition to the specific responsibilities and duties established in an official University job description, the advisors shall be responsible to the Board and shall act in a manner consistent with the basic philosophy of the Board as embodied in Charter, Bylaws, and/or Operating Rules of the Board.
Section 2. Selection and Dismissal of BOP-Funded University Employees
The Board shall have the authority to recommend through the appropriate University administrative channels the appointment or dismissal of BOP-funded University employees.
Section 3. Selection and Dismissal of BOP-Funded Student Employees
A. The Coordinator for Student Publications shall be responsible for the selection and dismissal of those BOP non-production student employees assigned to the operations of the Board itself, and shall operate in accordance with established University policies and procedures.
The Production Manager for Student Publications shall be responsible for the selection and dismissal of all BOP production student employees in accordance with established University policies and procedures
Section 4. Nepotism:
A. BOP-Funded University Employees shall not appoint or assign any employee to a position in which an immediate family member directly or indirectly supervises the employee and no relative shall conduct or be involved in a related member’s performance evaluation, appointment, discipline, suspension, promotion, termination, sign a personnel action form or any other activities related to employment with the BOP.
B. For the purpose of this policy, “Direct Supervision” shall mean any situation in which the employee would be in a position to affect the terms and conditions of another’s employment, including, but not limited to, making decisions on work assignments, compensation, grievances, advancements or performance evaluations.
C. For the purpose of this policy, “Immediate Family Member” shall mean: Spouse, natural, step or legal child or parent, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, mother-in-law or father-in-law.

Section 1. Stipends for Voting Student Board Members
A. As part of the University’s co-curricular program, students contribute to the quality of campus life by volunteering their services to the University. In recognition of the efforts and energy invested in their volunteer service, voting student members may receive stipends as tokens of appreciation. Students appointed to the BOP shall not be considered employees of the University, but rather serve as volunteers of the University.
B. The Board may establish, adjust, or rescind stipends for voting student members.
Section 2. Stipends for BOP Program Student Staff
A. As part of the University’s co-curricular program, students contribute to the quality of campus life by volunteering their services to the University. Students appointed to program staff positions shall not be considered employees of either the BOP or the University of Hawai‘i, but rather serve as volunteers of the University. In recognition of the efforts and energy invested in their volunteer service, program participants may receive stipends as tokens of appreciation. Stipend levels shall be set to reflect consideration at the co-curricular, pre-professional “reward” level intrinsic to the respective positions, as well as other relevant aspects such as degree of responsibility, supervisory responsibilities, and time spent discharging the duties of the position.
B. Students participating in the BOP Advertising program may be awarded on a commission and/or flat-rate basis.
C. The BOP may establish, adjust, or rescind stipends for its program participants.
Section 3. Compensation for Student Employees
The Board shall pay its student employees in accordance with established University scales for their respective classifications and levels of responsibility. The Board shall propose the level of classification for all these positions in accordance with the policies, procedures, pay scales of the Student Employment Office and subject to the approval by the appropriate University offices.
Section 4. Salaries for Faculty, Administrative, Professional, and Technical (APT), and Civil Service Appointees
The Board shall set the salaries of its faculty, APT, and civil service appointee(s) in accordance with regular University policies, procedures, and pay scales.
Section 5. Compensation for Contractual Employees
The Board shall pay all persons under contractual jurisdiction according to the terms of the relevant contract(s).

Section 1. Ka Leo O Hawai‘i
A. Freedom: Insofar as the program head and student staff members of the newspaper produce a newspaper consistent with the responsibilities listed below, Ka Leo O Hawai‘i qualifies under the law as a First Amendment forum. That status means that the University of Hawai‘i at M¯anoa and the Board of Publications recognize and acknowledge the value to this campus of an independent newspaper that functions without prior restraint within legal parameters, traditional guidelines, and under the Charter, Bylaws, and Operating Rules of the Board as a public forum for news and comment.
B. Responsibilities:
1. The newspaper shall not violate existing laws governing discrimination, libel, obscenity, or hazard to public of private safety or welfare.
2. The newspaper shall stand independent of any public or private pressure to act, write, or edit in a manner in any respect inconsistent with its best knowledge of the truth.
3. The newspaper shall function as a medium to inform, educate, and entertain the entire campus community by maintaining a timely, comprehensive, and diverse flow of information, ideas, and criticism.
4. The newspaper shall pursue aggressively its prerogatives to investigate, report, and comment upon any activity it deems of legitimate interest and concern to the campus community.
5. The newspaper shall give timely and reasonable consideration to any voice espousing any legitimate cause or interest, value, or concern to the campus community.
6. The newspaper shall operate in every respect consistently with the canons of journalism as practiced by responsible American newspapers and as expressed in “A Statement of Principles” of the American Society of Newspaper Editors as adopted in 10/23/75 (See Appendix A).
Section 2. Hawai‘i Review
A. Freedom: Insofar as the program head and student staff meet the responsibilities listed below, Hawai‘i Review is guaranteed press freedom as stipulated under law and under the Charter, Bylaws, and Operating Rules of the Board.
B. Responsibilities:
1. The journal shall not violate existing law governing discrimination, libel, obscenity, or hazard to public or private safety or welfare.
2. The journal staff shall maintain its independence of choice and action in carrying out in a responsible manner its goals and responsibilities.
3. The journal staff shall strive to publish material of the best quality in fiction, poetry, drama, criticism, and graphic arts.
4. The journal staff shall emphasize the work of UHM students and in other respects give priority to Hawai‘i residents in order to promote the journal’s regional character.
5. The journal staff shall give full legal and ethical respect to the work of all contributors and shall publish all material in a form approved by the author.
6. Distribution of single copies of each issue to BOP fee-paying students and acknowledged contributors shall be free of charge. The Board shall establish subscription and single-copy charges for all others.
Section 3. Other BOP-Funded Publications
A. The Board may establish other publications and shall determine the publications’ purpose and functions at the time of establishment.
B. Responsibilities:
1. These publications shall not violate existing law governing discrimination, libel, obscenity, or hazard to public or private safety or welfare.
2. The staff members shall strive to publish material which is determined to be appropriate to their publication by the BOP and of the best quality possible.

If any portion of these Bylaws or their application to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid for any reason, then the organization hereby declares that the remainder of the Bylaws and each and every other provision thereof shall not be affected thereby.

The Board shall have the authority to purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a Board member, BOP employee, or BOP appointed student staff member against liability asserted against him or her and incurred by the person in any such capacity, or arising out of the person’s status as such.

These Bylaws shall take effect after approval by a simple majority of the Board and subsequent approval by the UH President or a designee on behalf of the UH Board of Regents. The Bylaws shall be binding and shall take precedence over all previous BOP Bylaws.

Section 1.
These Bylaws shall take effect after approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the full Board membership and subsequent approval by the UH President or a designee on behalf of the UH Board of Regents.
Section 2.
Amendment proposals must be submitted in writing to all BOP members at least two (2) weeks prior to BOP action.
Section 3.
A public hearing on all amendments shall be held prior to final BOP approval.

ORIGINAL 03/19/68 11/01/68 11/01/68
st Revision 11/22/74 01/21/75 01/21/75
nd Revision 12/03/75 03/17/77 03/17/77
rd Revision 04/22/80 09/01/80 09/01/80
th Revision 11/12/81 06/08/82 06/08/82
th Revision 04/16/86 11/25/86 05/01/87
th Revision 02/09/89 02/08/89 02/08/89
th Revision 04/06/89 05/18/89 05/18/89
th Revision 04/18/91 06/06/91 06/06/91
th Revision 02/19/98 07/06/98 07/06/98
th Revision 12/03/07


The First Amendment, protecting freedom of expression from abridgment by any law, guarantees to the people through their press a constitutional right, and thereby places on newspaper people a particular responsibility.
Thus journalism demands of its practitioners not only industry and knowledge but also the pursuit of a standard of integrity proportionate to the journalist’s singular obligation.
To this end the American Society of Newspaper Editors sets forth this Statement of Principles as a standard encouraging the highest ethical and professional performance.

The primary purpose of gathering and distributing news and opinion is to serve the general welfare by informing the people and enabling them to make judgments on the issues of the time. Newspapermen and women who abuse the power of their professional role for selfish motives or unworthy purposes are faithless to that public trust.
The American press was made free not just to inform or just to serve as a focus for debate but also to bring an independent scrutiny to bear on the focus of power in the society, including the conduct of official power at all levels of government.

Freedom of the press belongs to the people. It must be defended against encroachment or assault from any quarter, public or private.
Journalist must be constantly alert to see that the public’s business is conducted in public. They must be vigilant against all who would exploit the press for selfish purposes.

Journalist must avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety as well as any conflict of interest or the appearance of conflict. They should neither accept anything nor pursue any activity that might compromise or seem to compromise their integrity.

Good faith with the reader is the foundation of good journalism. Every effort must be made to assure that the news content is accurate, free from bias and in context, and that all sides are presented fairly. Editorials, analytical articles and commentary should be held to the same standards of accuracy with respect to facts as news reports.
Significant errors of fact, as well as errors of omission, should be corrected promptly and prominently.

To be impartial does not require the press to be unquestioning or to refrain from editorial expression. Sound practices, however, demands a clear distinction for the reader between news reports and opinion. Articles that contain opinion or personal interpretation should be clearly identified.

Journalist should respect the rights of people involved in the news, observe the common standards of decency and stand accountable to the public for the fairness and accuracy of their news reports.
Persons publicly accused should be given the earliest opportunity to respond.
Pledges of confidentiality to news sources must be honored at all costs, and therefore should not be given lightly. Unless there is a clear and pressing need to maintain confidence, sources of information should be identified.
* * * * *
These principles are intended to preserve, protect and strengthen the bond of trust and respect between American journalist and the American people, a bond that is essential to sustain to grant of freedom entrusted to both by the nation’s founders.
The ASNE board of directors adopted this Statement of Principles October 23, 1975; it supplants the 1922 Code of Ethics (“Canons of Journalism”).