UH System Policies and Procedures
- Board of Regents Policies
- Executive Policies
Administrative Procedures
- Current Procedures
- Abolished Procedures (Post Oct. 2014)
1. General Provisions
2. Administration
3. Organization
4. Planning
5. Academic Affairs
6. Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
7. Student Affairs
8. Business and Finance
- 025. Fiscal Responsibilities within the University
- 026. Appointment of Fiscal Administrators and Assistant Fiscal Administrators
- 200. Overview
- 215. Definitions
- 220. General Principles
- 225. Limitations in Purchasing
- 230. Contracting for Services
- 235. Competitive Sealed Bidding
- 240. Competitive Sealed Proposals
- 245. Professional Services Procurement
- 250. Small Purchase – Goods and Services
- 255. Sole Source Procurement
- 260. Emergency Procurement
- 265. Specialized Purchasing
- 266. Purchasing Cards
- 270. Types of Contracts
- 275. Contract Formation and Administration
- 281. Construction and Professional Services in Support of Construction
- 285. Cost or Price Reasonableness
- 290. Requirements of Federally Funded Purchases
- 300. Interests in Real Property
- 305. Use of Non-University Space and Facilities
- 350. Concessions
- 375. Fund Raising by a Recognized University Affiliated Volunteer Group or Non-Profit Organization
- 400. Risk Management Guidelines and Procedures
- 509. Property and Equipment Overview
- 510. Loaned Property, Personally Owned Property, and Collections
- 512. Identification of Property
- 516. Property and Equipment Valuation (formerly Valuation of University Equipment)
- 521. Property and Equipment Acquisition
- 523. Receiving Property and Equipment
- 524. Property and Equipment Maintenance
- 530. Property and Equipment Storage and Movement
- 536. Subcontract Control of Government Property
- 539. Property and Equipment Record Maintenance
- 540. Physical Inventory
- 541. Property and Equipment Management Reports
- 542. Property and Equipment Utilization
- 543. Property and Equipment Transfer and Retirement
- 550. Capitalization
- 555. Impairment of Capital Assets and Retirement of Real Property
- 560. Post-Issuance Tax Compliance Procedures for Tax-Exempt and Build America Bonds
- 561. Tax Treatment of Non-Service Financial Assistance for Individuals
- 565. Tax Reporting of Payments to Postdoctoral Appointments
- 571. Administrative Procedure AP 8.571, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Athletics Ticket Sales for Events that are not University of Hawai‘i Athletic Competitions and that Involve Payments to Non- University of Hawai‘i Entities
- 602. General Ledger
- 611. Account Code
- 612. Establishment and Maintenance of Account Codes
- 615. Object Codes
- 617. Revenue and Higher Education Function Codes
- 619. Fund Groups
- 620. Gifts
- 621. Delinquent Financial Obligation Tax Setoff Hearings
- 622. University Endowments
- 635. Accounting For Leases, Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships and Availability Payment Arrangements, and Subscription Based Information Technology Arrangements
- 636. Supply Inventory
- 641. Journal Entries
- 650. Continuation and General Clearing Accounts
- 651. Non-Student Accounts Receivable and Delinquent Financial Obligations
- 671. Year-End Accounting Data
- 685. Cancellation or Replacement of University of Hawaii General Account Checks
- 686. Terminal Vacation Payout
- 701. Receipting and Depositing of Funds Received by the University
- 702. Establishment of Electronic Funds Transfer and Receipt of Funds
- 710. Credit Card Administration
- 731. Student Accounts Receivable and Delinquent Financial Obligations
- 740. Dishonored Checks
- 750. Establishment and Maintenance of Change Funds
- 760. IRS Compliance for Reporting Cash Payments Over $10,000
- 770. Student Refunds
- 802. Requirement of Direct Deposit and/or ACH
- 806. Roles and Responsibilities for Payment Transaction Processing
- 808. Bank Wire Transfer
- 851. Employee Out-of-State and Intra-State Travel
- 852. Personal Automobile Mileage Voucher
- 853. Mobile Devices and Related Communications Services Program
- 863. Relocation Allowances
- 867. Information Reporting on 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC and Backup Withholding on Payments
- 868. Reporting and Withholding on Payments to Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Corporations
- 870. Pay Types and Pay Days
- 871. Distribution on Security of Paychecks
- 873. Payroll Processing Cycle Deadlines
- 876. Overtime Authorization and Compensation
- 877. Salary and Wage Overpayment Recovery
- 879. Post Death Payments
- 926. Administrative Procedure, AP 8.926 Administrative and Financial Management Requirements for Extramurally Financed Research and Training Programs/Activities of the University of Hawai`i (UH
- 927. Administrative Procedure, AP 8.927 Facilities & Administrative Cost Charges in Contracts and Grants
- 951. Accounting for Federally Matching Equipment Grants
9. Personnel
10. Land and Physical Facilities
11. Miscellaneous
12. Research
- Archived AP
UH‐Related Laws and Rules
- Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 304A
- Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 20
Administrative Procedure 8.750 Administrative Procedure 8.750Title
Establishment and Maintenance of Change Funds
Administrative Procedure Chapter 8, Business and Finance
Administrative Procedure AP 8.750, Establishment and Maintenance of Change Funds Effective Date: August 2020 Prior Dates Amended: August 1989, May 2006, February 2016 Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Budget and Finance/Chief Financial Officer Governing Board and/or Executive Policy: EP 1.102, General Provisions Review Date: August 2022 I. Purpose
To provide procedures for the establishment and administration of change funds. Departments that fail to comply with the procedures may have their ability to maintain a change fund suspended or revoked.
II. Definitions
A. Alternate Change Fund Custodian (Alternate Custodian) - An individual designated in writing by the Program Head and approved by the Treasury Office to act for a Change Fund Custodian during his/her absence. The Alternate Custodian shall be a regular, full-time University employee.
B. Authorized Fund Amount - An established dollar amount approved by the Treasury Office. The authorized fund amount should be sufficient to conduct a normal day’s business. The authorized fund amount may also be based on the justification given for the fund and the physical security that will be provided. C. Change Fund - An authorized sum of money advanced to a responsible individual for business transactions made within a department for the specific purpose of making change. D. Change Fund Custodian (Custodian) - An individual designated in writing by the Program Head and approved by the Treasury Office to handle, safeguard and account for the cash in a change fund. The Custodian shall be a regular, full- time University employee. E. Program Head - Program Heads are leaders of functional units, e.g., college, division, department, center, administrative area and may include, but are not limited to, department chairs, Deans, Directors, Vice Chancellors, Vice Presidents, Chancellors and the President. F. Temporary Increase – Additional cash in the change fund for a temporary period due to student registration or special events. Temporary increases should be anticipated and requests for temporary increases shall be submitted prior to the peak periods. A temporary increase shall be returned upon resumption of normal business activity. III. Administrative Procedure
A. Policies
1. The establishment of a change fund requires approval by the Treasury Office. 2. Approval of a change fund shall be granted only if a specific fund authorization to charge and collect money exists. 3. Cash in the change fund shall equal the authorized fund amount at all times. Change fund overages are the property of the State of Hawaii regardless of the source of funds for the advance. Change fund shortages shall be charged to the department’s operating account. 4. The change fund shall not be used for purchases of any kind, cashing checks, or making temporary loans. No other funds shall be commingled with the change fund. 5. At least one Alternate Custodian shall be designated. 6. Any deviation from the above policies requires the written approval of the Treasury Office. 7. Security/Internal Controls a. The custodians are responsible for safeguarding the cash. The change fund shall be kept in a locked cash box in a location not readily susceptible to theft. A safe is preferred but a locked file cabinet is minimally acceptable. b. The Fiscal Administrator shall not be the Custodian or Alternate Custodian of the change fund. If staff limitations make this separation of duties impossible, designating a Fiscal Administrator as a custodian may be considered as a last resort measure. B. Responsibilities 1. Program Head a. Ensures compliance with all detailed procedures specified and is ultimately responsible for the proper administration of the change fund. b. Program Heads may be asked to assist in resolving issues of non-compliance with procedures outlined below. 2. Custodians a. Secures and disburses cash. b. Determines the sufficiency of the change fund. c. Recommends to the Fiscal Administrator if a temporary or permanent increase or decrease of the fund is warranted. d. Conducts a cash count, weekly at a minimum, or more frequently as necessary. e. Notifies the Fiscal Administrator of all overages and shortages in the fund. Prepares the necessary KFS eDocuments to record the cash shortage and/or overage with adhoc approval to the Treasury Officer. 3. Fiscal Administrator a. Ensures that the duties of the Custodian/Alternate Custodian are being properly executed. b. Reviews change fund forms for submission to the Treasury Office. c. Conducts unannounced cash count of the fund at least once per year, or more frequently, as necessary. 4. Treasury Office a. The Treasury Officer reviews and authorizes all action requests including the approval/disapproval of requests which includes the establishment, decrease, closing, permanent increase, temporary increase, and change in Custodian and/or Alternate Custodian of change funds. b. Reviews all incidents of change fund overages and shortages. c. Coordinates temporary increases for registration periods. d. Creates custodian vendors in KFS and initiates Disbursement Voucher (DV) eDocuments for initial establishment of change fund or approved permanent or temporary increases. C. General Procedures 1. See Appendix A for procedures related to following Change Fund Activities: a. Establish Change Fund b. Change in Custodian or Alternate Custodian c. Increase to Change Fund d. Decrease or Closure to Change Fund e. Temporary Increase in Change Fund for Registration f. Cash Count g. Change Fund Overage h. Change Fund Shortage 2. Cash counts are required to be done by the Custodian or Alternate Custodian at the end of each session change funds are utilized. At least weekly (or more frequently as necessary), the cash count should be documented on Form CF-2. a. If there is any cash overage or shortage of $25.00 or more from a single incident, Form CF-3 should be completed immediately. b. For all other incidents less than $25.00, the cumulative net cash shortage or overage shall be reported on Form CF-3 at a minimum on a monthly basis. c. KFS eDocuments should be submitted to record the cash overage or shortage. 3. Program Documentation – The change fund documents (CF-1, CF-2, CF-3 and CF-4) and any supporting documentation shall be maintained in the campus/departmental office files. IV. Delegation of Authority
There is no administrative specific delegation of authority.
V. Contact InformationTreasury Office, 956-8527, or uh-treasury@lists.hawaii.edu Website: http://www.fmo.hawaii.edu/cash_handling/index.html#tab7 VI. References
Link to superseded Executive Policies in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/ep/
Link to Administrative Procedures in old format https://www.hawaii.edu/policy/archives/apm/sysap.php VII. Exhibits and Appendices
Attachment 1: Appendix A - Change Fund Procedures – Tasks/Responsibilities
Attachment 2: Form CF-1 Request for Change Fund Attachment 3: Form CF-2 Change Fund Cash Count Sheet Attachment 4: Form CF-3 Change Fund Cash Overage/Shortage Report Attachment 5: Form CF-4 Request for Temporary Change Fund for Registration Approved Signed Kalbert Young August 07, 2020 Date Topicschange funds; change fund custodian; security controlsAttachments |