Objectives: SWBAT analyze how peer pressure affects
peoples decisions.
SWBAT identify risky behavior
through listening to a song.
SWBAT realize that they
have the power of their own decisions
And they must take responsibility
for them.
Can Statements:
I can understand how listening
to my peers can cause me to make certain
I can name the risky behaviors
in the song Johnny Mahoe and apply them to my life.
I can make my own decisions
and can be responsible for my actions.
CD player
Song sheets
Mahoe CD
Introductory discussion:
How many of you have made a poor decision just because your friend told
you to?
How many of you had to pay the price for your actions?
Do you think we should all be accountable for the decisions we make no
matter what?
Introduce the song Johnny Mahoe to them
Ask why they think the writer used a Hawaiian name for the main character
Play the song and let students follow along with the song sheets for familiarity
Play song again and have them listen for risky behaviors (gun use, gangs,
colors, wrong crowd, etc.)
After song is done:
Have students identify risky behaviors and write on board
Discuss each behavior and its consequence(s)
What was Johnny like before the gangs? After the gangs?
What made him join the gang?
Do you think he really wanted to be a gang member?
Was it a good decision? Is he still
responsible for it?
How did he pay the consequence?
What does this song say about peer pressure and making your own decisions?
Can we just turn and walk away?
After discussion, have students come up with an idea about how Johnny
(and themselves) could have turned and walked away? (What could he have
done? Just say no concepts)
Each student will write a short paragraph and share with their table cluster
Have volunteers share some ideas with the rest of the class following
the small group sharing
Assessment: I will listen to the students responses
and pay special attention to the objectives. I want to know if students can
identify the risky behaviors, peer influences, and the power they have
over their own decisions. I will
also look for ideas they write in their summaries that show they understand
this power of decision making.