Recognizing Contractions

By: Lynette Wakinekona

 Unit title:           Language Arts

Instructional Goal:        
The goal of this lesson is for students to identify the pairs of words that make up contractions and to substitute the contraction for the pair of words in their writing.

SWBAT recognize pairs of words that make contractions.

SWBAT construct sentences using contractions.

Students should understand that they can use one word to mean the same thing as a group of words and that they can use the new word to add variety to their writing.

Student Entry Level:     
Students have been learning different writing strategies to give their pieces variety.  They have been learning to identify contractions for use in their compositions.


·        Chart for demonstration

·        Marker (various colors)

·        Worksheets 24 and 25

·        Pencils


·        Review what contractions are

·        Ask students if they can give an example of a contraction

·        Introduce the lesson of contractions


·        Give instructions for student/teacher participation

q       I will call on students showing a ready school body only.

q       Students are to try to solve the problem on their own even if they are not called on to share.

q       Students will be asked to volunteer to fill in the chart appropriately (choosing the pair and sentence construction).

·        Ask if there are any questions (if not…)

·        Work on chart

·        Ask if there are any questions (if not…)

·        Explain worksheets and field questions

·        Hand out worksheets and excuse students to seats for individual work

·        Assist students as needed

Formative Checks:

·        Ask students if they have questions regarding contractions or the worksheet

·        Observe student responses

·        Observe attentiveness

Student Participation: Each student will:

·        Be encouraged to ask questions if they don’t understand

·        Students will work independently on their worksheet

·        Students will be encouraged to use contractions in future writing

Extension Activity: (in case students finish early)

·        Do any old work

·        Centers

Student Assessment:

·        Observe students while working

·        Worksheet evaluation   

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© Copyright 2000-2001 All Rights Reserved
Funded by the US DOE Native Hawaiian Curriculum, Teacher Training, and Recruitment Grant
Designed and Developed by:
Ka Lama I, II and III students and R. Pi'ilani Hussey Ka'aloa and Moku Ka'aloa