Laulima Tutorial
Gradebook: linking grades from other tools
How Do I link grades from other tools?
Some tools allow grades to be sent directly from the tool to an automatically created entry in the Gradebook. Instead of inputing grades for each quiz or assignment into the Gradebook, once a grade is given within the tool it can automatically be sent and calculated into the students grade. This helps the students and you keep track of their progress. Click on the tool listed below for more information on linking that tool to the Gradebook.
Tasks, Tests & Surveys:
Once students/participants have taken a test/quiz or completed an assignment, the grades can automatically be sent to the Gradebook tool creating an entry titled the same as the test/quiz or assignment. To set your test/quiz to have the grades sent to the Gradebook, go to the Tasks, Tests & Surveys tool in your course.
Click the "gear" icon in the Publish column to see the settings for your test/quiz.
Scroll down the "Set Options" page till you get to the Send to Gradebook option. The box next to "Send to Gradebook" must be checked in order for the grades to be sent to the Gradebook. If you do not see the "Send to Gradebook" setting, you will need to add the Gradebook tool to your Laulima course first.
If the box is not selected, check the box and then click the "Done" button at the bottom of the page.
The test/quiz is now set to automatically send the students/participants grades to the Gradebook.
For more information on Tasks, Tests & Surveys download the PDF manual or go to the on-line tutorial.Tests & Quizzes
Once students/participants have taken a test/quiz, the grades can automatically be sent from the Tests & Quizzes tool to the Gradebook. To set your tests/quizzes to be sent to the Gradebook, go to the Tests & Quizzes tool in your site.
Click the "Settings" link under the test/quiz you would like to have sent to the Gradebook.
On the setting page, click the "Open" link to view all settings.
Scroll down the page till you see the "Grading" section. Under the Grading area, you should see the Gradebook Options. If you do NOT see the Gradebook Options, you will need to enable the Gradebook tool first. The option "Grades sent to Gradebook" should automatically be selected.
If the option "Grades sent to Gradebook" is not selected, click the radio button next to it then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the "Save Settings" button.
The grades for that test/quiz will then be sent to the Gradebook.
Grades can also automatically be sent to the Gradebook from the Assignments tool. Unlike the testing tools, the Assignments are not automatically graded. However, once assignments have been graded, those grades can be sent to the Gradebook.To have the grades sent to the Gradebook, in the Assignments tool of your site, click either the "Add" link at the top to add a new assigment or the "Edit" link under a pre-existing assignment to change the settings.
Both the "Add" and "Edit" link will take you to a page with the same options.
Scroll down to the "Grading" options of the assignment. If you do not see the Grading options, it is most likely because you do not have the Gradebook tool enabled. You must have the Gradebook tool added to the site for this option to appear.
Under the Grading options select the option "Add Assignment to Gradebook". This will automatically create a new Gradebook entry.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Post" button to make the assignment available for student to see. Or click "Save Draft" to save and continue working on it later.
The grades from this assignment will now be sent to the Gradebook.
For more information on the Assignments tool, download the PDF manual or go to the on-line tutorial.
Discussion and Private Messages:
Grades can also be sent to the Gradebook from the Discussion and Private Messages. There are two options for grading in this tool. To grade by Forum or to grade by Topic. The suggested method is to grade by Forum. The main difference between the two is that Forum grading is based more on the amount of postings made by the students/participants to ensure participation and contribution to discussions within a Forum. Where as Topic grading allows you to grade the quality of a single topic posted by a user.This tutorial will cover enabling grade by Forum. If you would like to find out more about grading, download the PDF manual on Student Management which includes using the Gradebook, Post’em and Site Stats tools. Student Management PDF
To enable grading by Forum, go to the Discussion and Private Messages tool your site. In the Discussion and Private Messages click the "Manage" link.
In the Manage area, click on "Forums".
Next to the Forum you would like to grade, click the "Click to Edit" link.
On the Forum Management page, under the Grading section select the radio button next to "Enable".
Once you select "Enabled" the options to grade by Topic or Forum will appear. Select the radio button next to "Forum" and input a point value. Click the "Update" button.
To go back to the main Discussion and Private Messages area, click the "Discussion List" link or the double blue arrow in the top left corner. You should now see the "Grade Forum" link next to the Forum you enabled grading in.
To grade the Forum, click the "Grade Forum" link. In the grading area, you can enter points each student or type in a point value next to "Adjust the score of all users with posts by [ ]" and click "Save Grades". Only students who have posted to the Forum will receive points using the adjust score method.
Once all the points have been inputted, check the box next to "Send to Gradebook" and click "Update". The points will then be sent to Gradebook, creating a new entry with the same title as the graded Forum. You will then see the Gradebook entry.
Grades can be sent directly from the Forums tool to the Gradebook. In the Forums tool, grading can be done by forum or topic and linked to a single Gradebook entry.
Before grades can be sent from the Forums to the Gradebook, a manual entry has to be created first. This manual entry will be linked to either the forum or topic.
If you are not sure of how to add an entry in the Gradebook, click the link to view the tutorial. Adding Manual Gradebook Entry
Once you have created the Gradebook entry, go to the Forums tool. The settings to link the Forum or Topic in the Forums tool appears on the same page when editing an already existing Forum or Topic or when creating new ones.
In this case, "Module 1" is a topic which falls under the "Assignment Discussion" forum, the grading will be set by Topic. This is because I plan to add "Module 2" as another topic beneath "Module 1" which the students/participants will receive another grade. To add grading to a topic, click "Topic Settings".
Scroll down to the bottom of the Settings page. Next to Gradebook Item: click the drop-down menu and select the Gradebook entry you just created. Once you have selected the Gradebook item, click "Save Settings" and your Forum topic will be set up for grading.
To grade a students’ topic, go into that topic and read the students’ posting. To the right of the title of the posting, click "Other Actions".
After clicking "Other Actions", more links will appear beneath. Click "Grade" to grade that students’ posting.
*Note: If you do not see "Grade" you may not have the Gradebook tool enabled.
On the grading page, type in the amount of points the student will receive. The link to the Gradebook entry is already set but you can always change it. You can also comment on the students work. These comments will be shown to the student in the Gradebook. When you are done, click the "Submit Grade" button.
The students’ posting has now been graded. The grade is viewable by you and the student in the Gradebook.
More Info:
Download PDF of Student Management Manual
Download PDF of Discussion and Mail Tools Manual
Download PDF of Tasks, Tests and Surveys Manual