Contact ADEP
Alcohol & Other Drug Education Program (ADEP)
Health Promotion Resource Center
2600 Campus Road,
QLCSS Rm. 406
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 956-3574
Assessment and Resources of Alcohol/Other Drugs
Individual Assessment
Students are often reluctant to seek advice about their own drinking/drug habits. Many wish to know if their intake is problematic or not, without asking a professional.
Alcohol Overdose/Poisoning
Someone you know may experience alcohol overdose (alcohol poisoning). Alcohol overdose results from drinking too much alcohol too quickly. The amount can vary based on the person's gender, body weight, amount of food eaten, other legal or illegal drugs taken at the same time, and other factors ... so one person may be OK and another seriously ill after consuming the same amount of alcohol.
Alcohol is a depressant; it slows down the body's functions, including respiration, heart rate, and brain activity. An overdose can lead to coma or death. This is potentially life-threatening; please check the following symptoms to determine whether you need to call someone for help.
If the person has any of the following symptoms, their life might be in danger!
- unconscious or semi-conscious and cannot be awakened
- vomiting while sleeping or passed out and not waking up during or after vomiting
- rate of respiration is slow (8 breaths per minute or less) or irregular (10 seconds or more between breaths at times)
- skin is cold, clammy, pale, or bluish color
- disorientation (doesn't know where s/he is, who you are, etc.)
If you observe one or more of the above symptoms, or if you believe the person's health is in danger, call extension 6-6911 (on-campus) or 911 immediately!
- Do not let an unresponsive person sleep it off - his/her alcohol level may be continuing to rise even though s/he is no longer drinking. You may know people who have been just fine after passing out, but that doesn't mean it will be true this time. Everyone is different.
- If the person is vomiting, try to keep him/her sitting up. If the person must lie down, turn them on their side to prevent from choking if they should vomit. Maintain in that position until emergency personnel arrives.
- Do not give food, fluids/liquids, medicines, or any drugs to the person.
- Do not put the person is a shower or tub of water.
- Do not allow the person to drive a car or ride a bicycle.
- Do not try to exercise the person.
- Stay with the person and try to wake them up frequently until help arrives.
Do not worry about making a mistake or getting the person in trouble. If you think his/her health may be at risk, call extension 6-6911 (on-campus), or 911 and let the professionals evaluate the situation. You might save someone's life!
Additional Resources
On the internet, you can find a lot of information on alcohol/other drugs. However, not all websites are equal. Some are sponsored by companies with an interest in selling alcohol. Others contain information that is not based on carefully gathered facts or well-supported theories. Listed below are some of the most reliable sources of information about alcohol and other drugs of abuse:
General Information
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- National Task Force on College Drinking Prevention
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
- Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
For Personal Assistance
- Alcoholics Anonymous (Oahu group)
- Crystal Meth Anonymous
, or call (855) 638-4373
- Narcotics Anonymous (local group)
, or call (808) 734-4357
- Al-Anon & Alateen - for family members of alcoholics
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Policies
- University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa's Student Conduct Code
- Student Housing Services Residence Hall Policies