Service Fees

Our primary mission is to serve the student population at UH Mānoa. However, services are also available to students from other campuses in the UH system. Urgent care medical services are provided to UHM Faculty/staff.

The UHSM is supported by three funding sources: University funds, Student health fee, (see Student Health Fee), and fee-for-service.

We establish our service fee schedule using the standard medical practice codes, i.e. each medical service rendered is associated with a code and a fee. The UHSM fee amounts are usually below the level in the private medical sector. The actual charge (or co-payment) to the individual patient is determined by 1) the coverage terms of a patient's health insurance plan, and 2) specific patient category. The latter will be explained in the following paragraphs.

Our overriding principle is to keep out-of-pocket expenses minimal and affordable to students. For this reason, revenue generated has not been and is not expected to be sufficient to support total UHSM operating expenses.

Charges, Co-Payments, and Statements

  • All charges and co-payments are due at the time of service.
  • Insurance claim is submitted, and reimbursement credited toward the charges.
  • If an insurance plan does not cover the services rendered, the patient will be billed the outstanding amount. In the case of non-students, statements will be sent for the co-payments.
  • Statements will be sent to those with outstanding balances.
  • An academic hold will be placed on the student's record for any outstanding amounts.

Eligibility and Categories

  1. Regular UHM students: UHM students who have paid a student health fee are eligible for services. If there is insurance coverage, a claim is submitted to the insurance plan for reimbursement. If the student has no insurance coverage, he/she is charged a discounted fee-for-service subsidized by the student health fee.
  2. Students from special UHM programs (do not require payment of the student health fee): Students enrolled in special programs are charged according to the regular fee schedule, with balance billing of insurance co-payments.
  3. Students from other UH system campuses: Students may use the services at UHSM with a surcharge (currently $50) on the first visit, and another $50 on the second visit of each semester, after which they are eligible to the same services at the same charges as regular UHM students. Surcharge prices are subject to change.
  4. Visiting students: Visiting students from other institutions who are at UHM to participate in sports events, research, etc., are charged according to the regular fee schedule, with balance billing of insurance co-payments.
  5. Faculty and staff of UHM: Faculty and staff are charged according to the regular fee schedule, with balance billing of insurance co-payments.
  6. Our Women's Health Clinic provides services to community members on a limited basis. These patients are charged according to the regular fee schedule as non-students.
  7. On an urgent care basis, services are provided to visitors/conference attendees, and non-pediatric family members of students, faculty and staff. These patients are charged according to the regular fee schedule.