Patient Rights and Responsibilities
For more information on your Rights and Responsibilities, see UHSM Notice of Privacy Practices (See left column for download link).
Patient Rights
- Patients shall be treated with respect, consideration and dignity.
- Patients shall be provided appropriate privacy.
- Patients may request communication of health information in a manner that best ensures confidentiality.
- Patient disclosures and records are treated confidentially, and except when required by law, patients are given the opportunity to approve or refuse release of their record. Patients may request restrictions on the uses or disclosures of their information, and request an accounting of disclosures of their information.
- Patients may revoke authorization to use or disclose health information.
- Patients may amend (add to or append information) their health record.
- Patients will be provided, to the degree known, complete information concerning their diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. When it is medically inadvisable to give such information to a patient, the information will be provided to a person designated by the patient or to a legally authorized person.
- Patients shall be informed of the service fees.
- Patients have the right to refuse to participate in experimental research.
- Patients are provided means for expressing concerns and suggestions to the University Health Services Mānoa.
- Patients have the right to change primary or specialty physicians.
- Patients have the right to utilize a pharmacy of their choice.
- Patients have the right to learn the licensing status of the staff and the accreditation status of the University Health Services Mānoa.
- Patients shall be informed of any changes in their rights or responsibilities.
- Patients have the right to be notified upon a breach of their unsecured health information.
- Patients will not be contacted with fundraising communications as the University Health Services Mānoa does not engage in fundraising activities.
- Patients are given the opportunity to participate in decisions involving their health care, except when such participation is contradicted for medical reasons.
- Patients have the right to ask questions and discuss advance directive.
Patient Responsibilities
- Patients have the obligation to provide the full and accurate information needed by health service personnel in order to assure proper evaluation and care.
- Patients have the obligation to interact effectively with health care providers by asking questions concerning the diagnosis and treatment of their condition and by expressing appropriate concerns about recommended treatment.
- Patients must accept responsibility if they refuse medically recommended care.
- Patients must abide by University Health Services Mānoa rules, regulations and policies.
- Patients are prohibited from taking pictures, videos, and other forms of digital media within the University Health Services Mānoa.
- Patients must assume financial obligations for services received (non-payment could result in holds being placed on academic records).
- Patients must respect the rights of other patients and University Health Services Mānoa staff.
- Patients must keep their username and password private to ensure confidentiality.
Visit notes may be accessed with your UH Username and password on the Patient Access Portal, so do not share that information with others, such as family members or partners. Consider changing your password regularly to ensure the confidentiality of your protected health information, such as your visit notes on the Patient Access Portal.