(Refer also to the application requirements available from the Office of Graduate Education)
MA applicants must have a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) at the time of matriculation into the program. Preference is given to applicants with a BA degree in Art History (or an equivalent amount of Art History coursework). Applicants with a BA in a related field (e.g., Anthropology, Asian Studies, Religion, etc.) will also be considered for admission. At the discretion of the Graduate Faculty, applicants with insufficient undergraduate preparation may be admitted to the program with the condition that they will be required to take a specified number of "deficiency" courses. No credit from these deficiency courses will be applied to MA degree requirements; deficiency courses must be taken in addition to the 36 credits required for the MA degree. Applications are considered for Fall admission only; there is no Spring admission.
I. Applicants should submit the following along with the application fee. Incomplete applications will not be forwarded for review.
• Completed application. APPLY
• Academic transcripts. Official transcripts must be sent directly from the academic institution of origin to the University of Hawaii's Office of Graduate Education (2540 Maile Way, Spalding Hall 354, Honolulu, HI 96822). Copies of transcripts faxed, emailed or hand delivered will not be accepted. Applicants may submit unofficial copies of transcripts while applying for admission. However, admitted students are required to submit official transcripts in order to enroll at UHM. NOTE: Grad Division policy may require students whose college transcripts use non-traditional grading (i.e. other than A-F) to also submit a GRE score: contact Grad Division for clarification if this applies to you.
• TOEFL or IELTS scores (if applicable). DETAILS
The minimum required scores for admission to this MA program are:
+ TOEFL: 600/100 (paper/Internet), subtest scores 25 (listening), 25 (speaking).
+ IELTS: 7.00 overall results.
II. In addition, the department requires the following Supplemental Documents. SUBMIT (tutorial)
Note: When uploading Supplemental Documents under the Category of [Other], please notate in [Description] one of the following - resume/CV, portfolio, publication, media file, or writing sample.
• Statement of Objective - include the applicant's expected area of concentration: (1) China, (2) Japan, (3) Pacific, (4) South/Southeast Asia, or (5) Modern/Contemporary.
• A 10-page writing sample, e.g., an art history research paper or other formal written work.
• Three letters of recommendation from art history professors, professionals in the field (e.g., museum curators), and/or individuals who have worked closely with the applicant in art history related activities and are well acquainted with the applicant.
If the applicant would like to be considered for Graduate Assistantships (GA), the Guidelines + Application form are downloadable HERE (scroll down to link at bottom of page). All incoming and continuing MA and MFA students are encouraged to apply for all departmental GA positions.
Information on international students.