
Curator in Charge, Costume Institute, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–present

Harold Koda has curated and co-curated landmark exhibitions and co-authored 24 publications that have informed historical discourse and brought focus to contemporary designer collections. “While curators are responsible for the preservation and interpretation of art and artifacts, I feel I have an added duty to proselytize and advocate the social and cultural value of my specialization, costume.”

Exhibitions & Publications
2009 Model as Muse: Embodying Fashion, curator and author with Kohle Yohannan, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
2007 blog.mode: Addressing Fashion, curated with Andrew Bolton, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
2007 Poiret, curator and author with Andrew Bolton, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
2006 Nam Kempner: American Chic, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
2005 Chanel, curator and author with Andrew Bolton, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
2004 Dangerous Liaisons: Fashion and Furniture in the 18th Century, curator and author with Andrew Bolton, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

2008 Fashion Group International, Fashion Oracle Award
2008 Poiret, Costume Society of America, The Richard Martin Award for Excellence in the Exhibition of Costume
2006–2007 Poiret, AICA Best Architecture or Design Show, First Place
2006 Hofstra University, Joseph G. Astman Distinguished Conference Scholar
2001–2002 Extreme Beauty: The Body Transformed,
AICA Best Architecture or Design Show, Second Place