1008 Dewey Ave
Evanston, IL 60202 USA
Caribbean Academic Program (CAP) at Evanston Township High School
was described in the last issue of this newsletter. (See also FORTHCOMING
PUBLICATION on page 9.) The figures given below may illustrate the
positive affect of the program. They show how a large proportion
of the students have moved up into classes at a higher academic
level since being in the program.]
following are figures for 51 students who were in the CAP program
for all or part of the 1991 and 1992 school years. They reflect
placements for the 1992 and 1993 school years. (There are a few
students for whom information is not available.)
“Of these students, 14, or roughly 27%, were initially in
for 2-level courses; the remaining 73% were in 1-level courses [the
lowest level]; none were initially in honors courses.
of CAP Students 1992-93
Level |
Number |
Percent |
1-level |
7 |
14% |
2-level |
28 |
55% |
Honors |
14 |
27% |
Advanced Placement |
2 |
4% |
37 students initially eligible for 1-level [in 1991-92], 7 remain
in that track [in 1992-93]. Of 14 students initially eligible for
2-level, 6 remain in that track. The remaining students –
75% – have moved ahead at least one level. 12 students, or
24%, have moved ahead two or more levels. 31% of the total students
are and/or will be enrolled in at least one honors class.”
Creole Institute, Indiana University
Ballantine Hall 602
Bloomington, IN 47405 USA
Creole Institute is a research oriented unit, dealing mainly with
French-based creoles, especially Haitian Creole.]
pedagogical role is limited to the teaching of Haitian Creole [HC]
as a foreign language. However, between 1979 and 1983, we did hold
summer institutes for the training of bilingual education teachers
involved in the education of Haitian children in the main US Haitian
diaspora communities. Many of our graduates are still active in
the Boston, Miami, and New York City areas. At present we are engaged
in two research projects in French-based creoles: (1) the preparation
of a bilingual English - HC dictionary; (2) a historical and general
dictionary for Louisiana Creole.” [See PUBLICATIONS below.]
Kreol Institute
Anse aux Pins
Seychelles, Creole is used as a medium of instruction and also taught
as a language in schools. For some teaching materials, contact L.
Barbé, Creole Section, National Institute of Pedagogy, Seychelles.”
Dean (formerly Allan)
PO Box 718
Katherine, NT 0851 AUSTRALIA
“In Term 3 1991, I taught a 10 x 2 hours/week introductory
course in Kriol at Katherine’s Northern Territory Open College.
Most of the seven participants are involved with Kriol speakers
in their line of work or community involvement, plus one is involved
in the tourism industry.”
Faculty of Education
Northern Territory University
PO Box 40416
Casuarina, NT 0811 AUSTRALIA
am involved in language revival/resur-rection work in the Wunga
languages of the Adelaide region. I am particularly interested in
J.D. Powell’s (1973) work, ‘Raising Pidgins for Fun
or Profit’, and the application of these ideas and methods
in the Australian context (Sandefur 1983; Thieberger, forthcoming).
Sandefur refers to ‘relexification’ whilst Thieberger
refers to ‘language recreation’, but they both draw
on Powell's original idea of constructing what he calls an artificial
pidgin to facilitate acquisition of a language in situations of
severe language loss.
have not used these methods (sometimes referred to as the Quileute
approach) but I’m particularly interested in their application
and outcomes.
“Also acquisition of languages in an additive sense (eg Jamaican
Creole in Britain) is potentially very interesting in terms of language
resurrection, revival and maintenance of traditional Aboriginal
Powell, Jay. 1973. Raising pidgins for fun and profit: a new departure
language teaching. Paper presented at the Pacific Northwest Conference
Languages, Rosario Resort, Washington.
John. 1983. The Quileute approach to language revival programs.The
Aboriginal Child at School 11/5, 3-16.
Nicholas. forthcoming article. In Can Aboriginal languages
survive? ed. by P. McConvell and R. Amery.
New Guinea
Beverley Sundgren
Christian Brethren Churches
Anguganak Via Wewak, ESP
“The Kisim Save Tok Pisin Literacy programme has been operating
since 1970. SIL, Lutherans, Christian Brethren, and Catholic Mission
personnel involved and interested in literacy met and commissioned
Ruth and Wally Sim (my colleagues) and me to produce the Kisim
Save [literally ‘get knowledge’] series of four
primers using an eclectic method – phones, syllable drill,
lots of meaningful and relevant story material. After the completion
of Kisim Save Buk 1-4, I wrote a Teachers’ Guide
which has a training section of 50 pages at the front followed by
74 lessons each presented on a double page layout with instruction
on left and related chalkboard work on right. Reading, writing and
numeracy are included in the programme.
“I train teachers in 3-4 week sessions and then they go to
remote villages to teach. It has proven effective. Christian Books
Melanesia publish the Teachers’ Guide (retail K4.00
[approximately US$4.00]) and the pupil’s kitset (retail K2.00).
Each self-sealing plastic bag contains 4 readers teaching all phonemes,
grammatical things, etc, a pre-reading activity book; 3 exercise
books and two pencils. Our aim is to sell at cost to enable as many
as possible to learn to read."
Bob Litteral
Department of Education
Box 5587
Boroko, NCD
“In 1991 PNG had Vernacular Prep Schools (Pre-Grade 1) operating
in at least 91 languages. Tok Pisin was 3rd in the number of students
in classes from a single language. Enga and Kuanua languages had
over 1800 students and Tok Pisin had over 1600. There may be more
Tok Pisin students since we may not have received data from every
school since Tok Pisin is so diffuse. The Enga and Kuanua numbers
are fairly reliable since they were collected by provincial governments.
Tok Pisin schools that were not aware of the education data base
may not have sent in information.”
PO Box 41
Ambunti, ESP
Tok Pisin Prep-school Programwas featured in earlier issues. The
following latest information comes from the 1992 Annual Report.]
are now 23 prep-schools in the program, an increase of 9 from the
1990 total reported in the last PACE Newsletter.There are
39 teachers, 5 of these being supervisors.
year we have experienced disappointments and challenges, especially
with the flood and financial problems that forced most of our schools
to be suspended for five months. Anyway, the classes for all 23
schools resumed on the 14th September…
Melanesian Tok Pisin preschool program was first started with two
schools in 1985. The program moved slowly at a snail’s pace
when there was opposition from other church groups. Not only that,
many teachers opposed the use of Tok Pisin. They thought that the
children’s learning to read and write first in Tok Pisin would
interfere with their learning English. But the growing general opinion
seems to be that Tok Pisin Preschool…actually helps rather
than hinders learning of new concepts and ideas as well as other
subjects in the English language. In fact, the popularity of the
preschools is mainly due to the success of their ‘graduates’
in the community schools. The recognition and demand for this type
of program grows rapidly. Parents, teachers, education authorities
in the district, local community leaders and the public at large
all agree to the effectiveness of the program.”
PNG Post Courier
(Thanks to Geoff Smith)
women of Banz in the Western Highlands will now be able to read
and write in pidgin.
“This follows the launching of a literacy school at Banz…It
is being sponsored by the United Nations Education and Scientific
Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).”
Nazareth Apostolic Centre
PO Box 197
has recently been formed a Non-Government Organization to look after
Literacy Work. This will initially handle funds from CODE (Canadian
Organization for Development through Education). A name [for the
organization] will be selected from a competition…There have
been several names submitted with Pidgin titles.
co-ordinator has been selected for this NGO and he has just started
work. This is Mr Jack Rekzy, who has experience as a school teacher
and in non-formal education. He will initially supervise projects
already operating, some of which are in Pidgin, and some in the
is hoped that the new co-ordinator will be prominent in advertising
literacy in the various districts and sell the idea. He himself
has ideas of working in Pidgin and promoting it as something national.
need to have an NGO in the Solomons shows that the literacy work,
a strong emphasis on Pidgin, especially among adults, is going ahead
despite some set backs. A government survey, not officially released
yet, showed some disturbing results of post-school literacy and
general illiteracy in the country.
have been statements made that people are “hungry for literacy”,
so any efforts at this time will be well rewarded.”
W Lee
Solomon Islands Translation
Advisory Group
PO Box 242
New Testament in SI Pijin is in the final stages of preparation
for printing by the Bible Society of the South Pacific. It is expected
to be available for distribution in 1992. The work was finalized
by the Pijin Commission of the Solomon Islands Christian Association.
has been received from CODE (Canadian Organization for Development)
for producing 4 Pijin study booklets.
literacy series with basic literacy skills book and story track
book have been prepared under the direction of Janice Allen (SIL)
under the auspices of SILAC. I’m not sure how soon these will
be published.
also recently talked to Tancicious Ogamauri an RC catechist in the
West Kevato area of Malaita. He has trained some people to teach
Pijin literacy with apparently very good results among young Kwaio
J. Roughan
Solomon Islands College of Higher
PO Box G23
number of literacy programs are springing up and many of them are
using Pijin-English, especially those going on in town…[A]
recent literacy training program [the Women’s Literacy Training
Group, aided by teachers of the Bishop Epalle School]…has
been in operation almost two years now. The remark-able thing about
it is the fact that almost a third of the 59 women are 40 years
old or more. That fact underlines the hunger [for literacy] these
women feel in an urban setting.”
Stephen Horoi
Solomon Islands College of Higher
PO Box G23
Solomon Islands National Literacy Committee under the guidance of
Lesley Mosely, who is the consultant to the committee, has been
carrying out a National Survey of all the major languages in the
Solomon Islands.
Islands is a multi-lingual society with Solomons Pijin as its lingua
franca, English as the official language and between 60-100 different
vernaculars. The aim of the survey is to gather the necessary linguistic
data upon which to design and develop an appropriate language and
literacy policy for Solomon Islands. The absence of a language policy
is a policy! We hope to do better when the data is available.”
137 Queen Alexandra Mansions
Judd Street
London, WC1H 9DL UK
may be interested to know that there is some adult literacy teaching
of creole languages in London. The creoles concerned are Antillean
(St Lucia and Dominica) and Mauritian.”
anyone has more information on the use of creoles in education in
the UK, please write to the editor.]