As more and more information comes in about the use of pidgins and creoles in education, this newsletter gets longer (and later!).

As usual, this issue includes reports and updates on programs from contributors working in a wide variety of locations (with the most contributions this time from the Solomon Islands!). It also contains summaries of some relevant publications, but for the first time, many of these publications were sent in by their authors.

Another new aspect of this issue is a feature article written especially for the newsletter by one of our readers, Peter Stein.

It’s also encouraging to see several pre-liminary reports in this issue, giving evidence of some of the possible benefits of using pidgins and creoles in education – in Papua New Guinea, the Caribbean and the USA.

Thanks again to all the contributors. Please keep sending in information or short articles for future issues and passing the word (and the newsletter) on to others who may be interested.

Jeff Siegel
Linguistics Department
University of New England
Armidale, NSW 2351 AUSTRALIA

e-mail address:


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