The response to
last year’s first issue of this newsletter was encouraging.
Word got around and the mailing list now contains the names of over
50 individuals and organiz-ations.
This issue is a bit
heavy on summaries of book chapters about pidgins and creoles in
education. But it also contains some updates on programs described
before and new information from responses to the question-naire
sent out with issue number 1. (Thanks to all those who responded!).
More is included on the use of Caribbean English Creoles in education,
an area hardly covered at all in the first issue.
Again, I appeal to
past contributors to send in updates and to readers to ask other
people working with pidgins and creoles in education to send information
about their programs.
If you have any info
you would like to share or you know of anyone who would be interested
in receiving this newsletter, please drop me a line.
Jeff Siegel
Linguistics Department
University of New England
Armidale, NSW 2351 AUSTRALIA