a report by John Holm in The Carrier Pidgin 18/2, May-August
Society for Caribbean Linguistics held its
eighth biennial conference at University College, Belize, in
22-25 August 1990. Papers relevant to pidgins and creoles in
education included:
Kephart: “Literacy in Creole English: why and how?”
Fischer: “Educating speakers of Caribbean English Creole
in the United States” (see above)
Youssef: “The acquisition of varilingual competence”
(on children simultaneously acquiring Trinidad Creole and
English) [to be published this year in English World-Wide]
Robert: “Disintangling Creole competence” (on
the complex process of the acquisition of standard English
by Creole-speaking children)
workshop “Pidgins, Creoles and Nonstandard Dialects in
Education” was held at the 16th Conference of the Applied
Linguistics Association of Australia in Townsville,
29 September - 2 October. The workshop consisted of 7 formal
presentations followed by a panel discussion. Presenters and
papers were:
Anna Shnukal (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Studies): “Attitudes to the use of Torres
Strait Creole in preschool and primary education”
Ian Malcolm (Edith Cowan University): “Teaching standard
English as a second dialect: theory and practice”
Siegel (University of New England): “An evaluation of
the Tok Pisin Prep-school Program: preliminary findings”
Nidue (University of Papua New Guinea): “Teachers’
attitudes towards the use of Tok Pisin as a medium of instruction
in community schools in Papua New Guinea”
Mickan (Summer Institute of Linguistics): “Kriol and
education in the Kimberleys”
Ovington (James Cook University): “Teaching English
to Kriol speakers: the Kartiya game”
Hudson (Catholic Education Office): “An in-service program
for teachers of English to Kriol-speaking children”
full report will be given in the next issue of the PACE
The Carrier Pidgin 19/1, January-April 1991:
The 7th International Colloquium of Creole Studies
will be held in Mauritius from 28 September to 5 October, 1992.
The Colloquium theme will be “Education, formation, information,
et communication dans le monde créole”. More information
is available at this address: Vlle Colloque International des
Etudes Créoles, Institut d’Etudes Créoles,
Université de Provence, 29 Avenue R Schuman, F-13621
Aix-en-Provence, France. FAX 42 59 42 80.)