Project Name | Description | Campus/Department |
Advising | This solution assists student advising work remotely and provides a repository for the advising related documents. This project was originally piloted by the Social Science department, but has been adopted by other advising offices for other schools. | Various colleges from UH Manoa |
Background Checks | This solution helps the background check request process for UH-sponsored activities involving minors, and it provides a secure repository to house sensitive background check information. | Office of the VP for Information Technology & Chief Information Officer |
Board of Regents | The digitization of the BOR documents into an OnBase solution will provide access to authorized users to query for individual and/or a set of documents related to a meeting date or “category”. | Office of the Board of Regents |
Enrollment Management | Through a partnership between UH Manoa and UH West Oahu, the Enrollment Management (EM) solution was built to replace the Nolig Application. This EM umbrella includes support for the following offices: – Admissions – Registrar – Financial Aid |
UH Manoa & UH West Oahu |
Financial Aid for UHCC and UH Hilo | The Community Colleges adopted the Financial Aid portion under the UHM/UHWO Enrollment Management solution. This repository is used to save imports from the ProVerify vendor as well as their daily business. | 7 Community Colleges + UH Hilo |
Facilities Studies & Reports | Since the Studies and Reports documents are stored in various locations, there was a need to centralize its storage so project managers can easily retrieve pertinent documents. Additionally, storing these documents into an OnBase solution mitigates risk of accidental deletions while providing access to authorized users to query for individual and/or a set of documents. | Office of the Board of Regents |
Health Clearance Solution | OnBase is the central repository for Heath Clearance documents such that a student need only provide their documents when they register for the first time. Thereafter, these health clearance documents can follow them even if they transfer to any of the 10 campuses. A daily import of health clearance documents from the Liaison Application was implemented. And Banner has established an interface to open a student’s health clearance documents when in GOAMEDI. | System wide |
Human Resources (System) | The System Office of Human Resources (OHR) transitioned to storing HR documents in OnBase to move towards a paperless environment that opens their physical storage space for a more functional office space. Digitizing their documents in OnBase consolidates them into a secure and centralized storage that can be securely accessible even if teleworking. | System Office of Human Resources |
Human Resources | This is similar to the Human Resources (System) solution, but it was created for the various colleges and departments to allow scalability of adoption while maintaining campus/departmental security and privacy. | Various colleges from UH Manoa |
Real Property | OSDP needed a centralized repository to save historical and current real property documents. Storage in OnBase will also support outgoing report generation for various recipients. | Office of Strategic Development and Partnership (OSDP) |
Risk Management | The business case will address multiple goals and objectives: – Increase efficiency when searching for records and information – Enhance document governance in user access, record retention and disposition – Reduce the volume of physical storage space – Digital backups of the paper documents |
Office of Risk Management |
UH International Agreements | Designated campus representatives are tasked to upload fully executed copies of UH International Agreements into the OnBase document repository. | Office of General Council |