Tony BrownBFA 1994

[1.12.2016] TONY BROWN received a BFA at UHM specializing in ceramics in 1994, and later his MFA from California State University, Long Beach in 2000. Tony is now based in Los Angeles and has had an active art practice crossing all media boundaries.

He recently staged a major retrospective at a 8,000 square foot warehouse space in LA while working on expanding his space in a mixed-use art and fabrication studio near his home. See more images on his website at MOSTBROWN.

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He is fixing up two used ceramic kilns to start working with clay again after barely having done so since 2000. Besides being a studio artist he also periodically cultivates design projects in commercial spaces. Below is a large, one-of-a-kind ceramic tile wall at Millwick, an event space in downtown Los Angeles. Tony also just finished producing unique ceramic tiles for 21 tables for a LA restaurant opening this month.

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Tony is also active on instagram (mrtonybrown), using it as a notebook for urban based research related to his paintings and sculptures.