Mat KuboBFA 2005

mat kubo sitting at desk interviewing

[12.11.2015] After attaining his BFA at UHM in 2005 MAT KUBO continued to earn MFA in 2012 from University of Texas, San Antonio. He recently became the Project Manager for the Houston Arts Alliance's Department of Civic Art + Design. Here is a story about a project he undertook for the Houston airport in this new role. (Worth checking out just to see Mat's excessively stern performance face amidst his smiling companions LOL!)

Mat also remains an extremely prolific performance and installation artist. You can read about his activities in the past ten years in this feature by Glasstire.

We asked Mat to talk a bit about his time at UHM and he has this to say:

MAT: I learned discipline. My best ideas are often just under the surface and needed to be teased out through continual practice, both theoretical and physical. At UH Manoa, I was allowed to work across all medias which has become crucial to my practice.

I rode a bicycle through most my time at UH, both for transportation and recreation. Taking time to traverse through neighborhoods, not hermetically sealed in a pod, allows one to connect more with my surroundings. Unexpected stops can lead to unexpected conversations and connections. Face to face conversation is best, and I have applied that to my practice. I continue to take time out of my work schedule for explorative derives.

more about Mat