Amy NgoBFA 2012

[ 9.6.2016 ] AMY NGO received a BFA from UHM 2012 specializing in graphic design. She is currently an in-house designer at Sullivan Family of Companies (Foodland) and works primarily with print and product design in the retail industry. She was kind enough to answer some of our questions and reflect on her time at UHM.

AMY: My studies at UHM taught me the basic, fundamental skills and rules in design to produce work that can be creative and functional. The courses and projects helped me to think outside the box, develop my creative process, and apply critical thinking skills. Overall, the program gave me the skills and tools to my find my niche in the design world.

photo of a grocery bag design

I've continued to work hard to improve my skills since graduating from UHM, pushing myself to be a better designer. Through this and the work I've produced, I've experienced and felt a sense of joy and accomplishment seeing my work in public and being used by people. I never realized how many of the things we do, or the things we use in our daily lives, are heavily influenced by design. Seeing someone simply pick up a brochure or purchase a bag that I've designed is a rewarding feeling.

While I was at UHM I was also a student member in AIGA, an international professional association for designers. Joining the group allowed me to network within Honolulu's design community, meet new designers and learn about various companies in the state.

more about AMY

graphic design signage