Paul Galang, Fetus, 2014


October 3 – October 29, 2023

THE COMMONS GALLERY, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Commons Gallery is proud to present Intergenerational. This is an exhibition of new and past work presented by current and former students in the Department of Art & Art History Printmaking program.

Intergenerational stands as a testament to the profound impact of uniting current and former students across printmaking generations. By inviting the collective wisdom of experienced alumni to merge with the fresh perspectives of current students, this exhibit becomes a vibrant tapestry of artistic evolution. The convergence of diverse insights and techniques nurtures a rich environment for cross-pollination of ideas, where traditional methods intertwine with contemporary innovation. This collaborative journey not only pays homage to the heritage of printmaking but also fuels a dynamic exchange that resonates beyond artistic realms. It symbolizes the continuum of knowledge, the preservation of time-honored techniques, and the fostering of innovative expressions that flourish when generations come together to collectively shape the narrative of the art form. In celebrating the printmaking legacies of the past while embracing the uncharted territories of the future, this exhibit underscores the vitality of shared experiences and the enduring importance of unity among generations.


Enrico Battan, Pratisha Budhiraja, Rosie Connelly, Marika Emi, Cassie Ferguson, Paul Galang, Jose Gonzalez, Luke Henderson, Noah Kneeream-Lapian, Nicole Lazell, Yi Lin Lee, Mari Matsuda, Kristin McAndrews, Maddy Mynatt, Cecilia Navin, Helena Nordoff , Rachael Roehcart, Aleah Seamster, Virginia Tattersall, and Izzy VonMetzger


exhibit was curated by Cecilia Navin and Charles Cohan.


This exhibition is made possible by University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s Department of Art + Art History and College of Arts, Languages & Letters; supported by the Halekulani Hotel– Hospitality Sponsor for the Arts at UH Mānoa; the State Foundation for Culture and the Arts; and anonymous donors. Special thanks to The Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts.

THE COMMONS GALLERY is located on the ground floor of The Art Building. From Dole Street, take East-West Road, turn left to Correa Road, and then turn right for the Art Building.

Hours & Admission

Tuesday–Friday, & Sunday, 12–4 p.m.

Closed Mondays, Saturday, school breaks, and state holidays.

Free admission. Donations are appreciated.

Parking is free on Sundays. Parking fees may apply during weekdays.

For more information, please contact 808.956.6888 and