Noël Piechowski, Biological Memory, 2023

Emotional Identity

May 21 - July 2, 2023

THE COMMONS GALLERY, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

The only constant for humans is change. On an individual and group level we are always growing and morphing into something new. Yet we often neglect to recognize the importance of the emotional changes that coincide with the physical changes of our life cycles. In a world so focused on physicality, we often do not recognize, or we sideline, the emotional change that coincides with physical change, perhaps because physical change is easier to see and interpret than the intangible complexities of emotional change. This show, Emotional Identity, collects the works of seven female artists who explore their emotional changes and developments through a process of self-reflection. Each work acts as a “snapshot” of one particular point of emotional development for the artist. Collectively, the work puts the spotlight on an area of change that we, as individuals or as parts of a group, often overlook.

-Noël Piechowski

Curator, BFA ’24

Noël Piechowski, Julianna Bolanos, Natasha Keshishian, Laura Taylor, Isis Coen, Corinne Foley, and Gretchen Hohenstein

This exhibition is made possible by University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s Department of Art + Art History and College of Arts, Languages & Letters; supported by the Halekulani Hotel– Hospitality Sponsor for the Arts at UH Mānoa; the State Foundation for Culture and the Arts; and anonymous donors. Special thanks to The Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts.

THE COMMONS GALLERY is located in the ground floor of The Art Building. From Dole Street, take East-West Road, turn left to Correa Road, and then turn right for the Art Building.

Hours & Admission
The Commons Gallery at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa is open 24/7 through the gallery windows. We will be staffing the gallery as staff allows, and hours are noon – 4 pm, Wednesday – Sunday. Closed Mondays, Tuesdays, school breaks, and state holidays.

Free admission. Donations are appreciated.

Parking is free on Sundays. Parking fees may apply during weekdays.

For more information please contact 808.956.8364 and