
The department is happy to announce that JACQUELINE RUSH LEE has accepted our invitation to create a site-specific installation amidst the bamboo grove near our art galleries. Entitled Whorl, the new work is loosely based on her recent series Elemental whereupon she inserts books into tree branches and stumps, then leaves them to evolve of their own accord.

Artist Talk
Thursday, September 1 at 330-430pm
ART Building, room 101

On-Site Installation
September 6 to 9

Artist Reception
Sunday, October 9 at 3-5pm
ART Breezeway


Originally from Northern Ireland Jacqueline is based in Hawai‘i. She creates conceptual objects that often question and re-contextualize their original materials and conventional use, often blurring the line between genres, or seeking to push the technical boundaries and expectations of a particular medium. Jacqueline has worked primarily with the book form for eighteen years. She received her MFA from UHM in 2000.

Select group exhibitions include: Odd Volumes: Book Art from the Allan Chasanoff Collection (Yale University Art Gallery), Boundless:The Book Transformed in Contemporary Art (Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum), The Book Borrowers: Contemporary Artists Transforming the Book (Bellevue Arts Museum), Unhinged: Book Art on the Cutting Edge (Whatcom Museum), Metamorphosis: The Art of Altered Books (Fuller Craft Museum), and NextNewPaper (San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art). Jacqueline is working on a solo exhibition in the Fall of 2017 at the Honolulu Museum of Art.

More about Jacqueline