Office Room 202 / 808.956.7626 / chaeho@hawaii.edu
RESEARCH AREAS - Action research, design, Hawaiian language newspapers, graphic design, interactive design, language dormancy, oral history, participatory action research, skeuomorphism, transnationalism
Chae Ho Lee's work spans advertising, exhibition, identity, lettering, publication and web design. He has worked for a number of prestigious advertising agencies and design studios in the Pacific Rim, New York City and Dubai. He has lived in the Middle East for over 6 years teaching and directing design programs at several leading academic institutions in the region. He has exhibited his work internationally and published extensively for several leading design journals and publications. Lee was awarded the university's Regents' medal for excellence in teaching in 2011.
MFA - Rhode Island School of Design with Honors
2011 – Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, Faculty award, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i
2011 – How Magazine: In-House Design Awards, 2011 Education Award
2011 – “Transnationalism in a Muslim Market: The Questions of Dubai” Chapter for The Handbook of Islamic Marketing) co-investigator: Dr. Jennifer Chandler (United Kingdom, Edward Elgar Press).
2011 – “Moving Histories: Interactivity in the Examination of History” Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, Volume 5., (Champaign, Illinois, Common Ground Publishing LLC).
2010 – “Designing a New Oral Process” Chapter for Writing Design, (United Kingdom, Berg Press).
2010 – “Ibn Battuta: Edutaining the World?” Design Failures, Special Issue 44, Visible Language, edited by Dietmar Winkler and Sharon Poggenpohl (Providence, Rhode Island School of Design)
2010 – CASE: Council for Advancement and Support of Education, Circle of Excellence Award Silver Medallion
2007 – CIBER: Center for International Business Education and Research Interdisciplinary Research Award
ART 265 (Design: Studio I)
ART 266 (Design: Typography I)
ART 365 (Design: Studio II)
ART 366 (Design: Typography II)
ART 400 (Special Topics)
ART 465 (Design: Studio III)
ART 467 (Design: Production Techniques)