chris bird jones

chris bird jones

CHRIS-BIRD-JONES is a UK artist with an extensive background in international exhibitions and commissions. Glass is her primary material and she taught glass at UHM for a year many years ago. She now returns to Hawai‘i as a 2015 Creative Wales Ambassador, and will be an Artist-in-Residence to explore, experiment, and play!

Bird-Jones is open to studio visits until September 25. Faculty and students should contact <> to schedule visits. She is in room 204. Say hello if you pass by.

More info on Chris and her collaborative work. Follow the progress of her residency on her blog alldaith goleuni / light expedition.

Selected work produced during the residency will result in the exhibition ohi, ho‘ahu, gather, casglu at the Commons Gallery from September 13th – 25th.

Sunday, Sept.13 @3pm Buckets and Spoons – Improvised performance by dancer Betsy Fisher and musician Ernie Provencher in response to Chris Bird-Jones’ courtyard installation, followed by exhibition opening reception. All welcome.