169 Green Big Collar on Red600x600

Jelly Beans-A  ART  EVENT  

A free public lecture
Thursday, March 3, 2016 / 4:30-6pm
Art Auditorium, Art Building, University of Hawai’i at Manoa

“This is a survey of my work since the mid 1980s. My paintings in that time go through different stages and series, but in this overview I try to bring out lines of continuity. I see dislocation as a steady theme in my paintings, played out against traditional landscape and portraiture. But although I rely on these traditions of representation I am skeptical about them too. So as a skeptic I play with the received language of landscape and portraiture; as a practitioner I’m guided by the formalist concerns of modernist abstraction.”

Based in New York City, artist Barbara Friedman is a professor of art at Pace University. She has exhibited widely, with thirty-four solo shows, most recently at BCB Art in Hudson, NY (2015); Ober Gallery in Kent, CT (2014); Ethan Petitt Gallery in Brooklyn, NY (2014); the Painting Center (2012); and twice at Michael Steinberg Fine Art in New York, NY (2007, 2009). Earlier solo exhibitions were at Art Resources Transfer, The Queens Museum, and White Columns (all NYC); Carnegie-Mellon University, Cleveland State University, the Roanoke Museum of Fine Arts, and the Dana Wright Gallery in San Francisco among others.

Reviews of Friedman’s work have appeared in the New York Times, the New York Sun, The Irish Times, Newsday, Art in America, ARTS Magazine, and Artweek. A group of her paintings were selected for the 2007 issue of New American Paintings, and another group for the 2010 issue.

Image: 169 Green Big Collar on Red (detail)
Courtesy of the artist.