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Adobe DreamWeaver Free Accessibility Tools (either scroll down through page or select from one of the following choices)
Reason & Solution for using "Adobe Dreamweaver Free Accessibility Tools"
How To's
Download the Text Based Version

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Use Dreamweaver's Free Accessibility Tools
Reason: These tools allow for a convenient way to check for accessibility within a Dreamweaver document.

Solution: Switch on Dreamweaver accessibility preferences, and download accessibility tools and use designs.

How To's
To activate the Accessibility dialog boxes in Dreamweaver 2004 MX ~

1. Select Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Preferences (Macintosh). The Preferences dialog box appears.

2. Select Accessibility from the Category list on the left. The Preferences dialog box displays accessibility options.

image of accessability preferences in DreamWeaver

3. Select the objects you want to activate Accessibility dialog boxes for.

NOTE: Accessibility attributes automatically appear in the Insert Table dialog box when you insert a new table.

4. Click OK.

For each object you select, an Accessibility dialog box prompts you to enter accessibility tags and attributes when you insert that object in a document.

To Access DreamWeaver Accessibility Designs ~

1. Once DreamWeaver is opened go to "File, then "New". Under the "Category" Window select, "Page Designs (Accessible)", click on a good generic template and click "Create".

image of DreamWeaver Templates

Now edit the template to fit your own content.


To Download Accessibility Tools ~

1. In Dreamweaver go to "File", select "New", then choose "Get more content...".

image for DW to download more accessable tools

2. This will take you to the Adobe DreamWeaver Exchange site (you may have to sign up in order to download, but it is free and well worth it). From the Categories pull down menu select "Accessibility", then scroll down the page for free downloadable tools specific to your Dreamweaver version (some do require a fee, but there a many free ones).

image for downloading accessability tools

3. Once the file is downloaded, double click on the icon and install, it will add itself to the Commands area for use during web development.


Site managed by Linda Mcconnell
University of Hawaii, Distributed Learning & User Servers
Last Update:08/9/06