UH System Policies and Procedures
- Board of Regents Policies
- Executive Policies
Administrative Procedures
1. General Provisions
2. Administration
3. Organization
4. Planning
5. Academic Affairs
6. Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
7. Student Affairs
8. Business and Finance
9. Personnel
- 005. University Executive Designations
- 010. Reporting of Changes and Corrections of Employee's Personal Records
- 025. Access to Personal Records
- 030. (Revised) State and Federal Posting Requirements
- 035. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- 041. Utilization of Volunteer Services of the University of Hawaii
- 060. 1977 Edition of the Faculty Hanbook for Manoa and Hilo Campuses (Including Major Policies Affecting Faculty Relations in the Community Colleges and the University as a Whole) University of Hawaii, 1973 Interim Revision
- 075. Personnel Records
- 080. Collective Bargaining Agreements Covering Civil Service Employees
- 090. State of Hawaii Personnel Rules, Title 14, Administrative Rules, Department of Personnel Services, Subtitle 1
- 091. HRS Chapter 89C, Adjustments for Civil Service Employees Excluded from Collective Bargaining
- 110. Employment-Related Grievance Procedure for Persons (Including Applicants for Positions) Not Covered by Collective Bargaining Agreement Grievance Procedures or Other Applicable Procedures
- 130. Procedures for Taking Disciplinary and Discharge Actions for Civil Service and Non-Civil Service Employees
- 140. Internal Complaint Procedure for Civil Service Employees Complaints related to the Civil Service System
- 160. University Employee Training
- 170. Performance Evaluation of Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) Personnel
- 190. University Employee Perquisites
- 195. Establishment of New Positions and Abolishment of Positions
- 205. Salary Schedules for Faculty Personnel
- 220. Lump Sum Payment of Prorated Salary upon Termination
- 230. Maximum Additional Compensation (Overload) Rates for Board of Regents Personnel
- 235. Administrative Stipends for Department Chairs and Special Program Directors
- 240. Record of Outside Employment
- 290. Annual Review of Civil Service Position Descriptions
- 300. Preparation of Position Descriptions (Civil Service)
- 310. Temporary Assigments for Civil Service Employees
- 330. Flexible Working Hours Program for Civil Service Employees
- 335. Nepotism
- 350. Application for Transfer of Vacation and Sick Leave Credit or Payment in Lieu of Vacation
- 360. Leaves of Absence for Pregnancy Related Disabilities
- 365. Special Benefits for ERS Members on Military Leave Without Pay
- 370. Retirement System Contributions While On Unpaid Professional Improvement or Educational Leave
- 380. Vacation and Sick Leave System
- 390. Vacation Credit Fund Transfer
- 400. Guidelines for Sabbatical Leaves for Faculty
- 410. Intergovernmental Service
- 420. Leave without Pay for BOR Personnel
- 430. Professional Improvement Leaves for APT Personnel
- 460. Sabbatical leaves for Regular Civil Service Employees
- 470. Leave Sharing
- 480. Casual Appointments
- 485. Filling of Vacant Position
- 520. Tuberculosis Clearance
- 540. Recruitment and Selection of Faculty and Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) Personnel
- 560. Appointment of Lecturers and Cooperating Teachers/Counselors
- 570. Appointment Procedure for Board of Regents Personnel
- 580. Employment of Employees' Retirement System (ERS) Retirants
- 600. Joint Appointments between the University of Hawai‘i and the East-West Center
- 610. Immigration Classifications for Employment of Foreign Nationals
- 650. Exchange of Faculty with Other Institutions
- 660. Civil Service Type Positions for Federally Funded Projects
- 670. Employment of Personnel During Vacations
- 680. Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification
- 685. E-Verify Program
- 700. ERS Service Credit for Previous Military Service
- 710. Prescription Safety Glasses
- 720. Workers' Compensation
- 730. Workplace Non-violence Campus Procedures
- 740. Tax Deferred Annuity Program (TDA)
- 750. University of Hawaii Safety and Health Program
- 751. Recording Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
- 760. Procedures for Subsidized Parking
- 770. State of Hawaii Temporary Disability Benefits Plan for Civil Service Employees Covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement
- 771. State of Hawaii Temporary Disability Benefits Plan for Non-Bargaining or Excluded Employees
- 800. Unemployment Insurance Law
- 820. Procedures for Accepting Resignation or Retirement
- 830. Layoff of APT Employees Included in the Bargaining Unit
- 840. Work Force Reduction
- 860. Policies and Procedures on Student Grievances
- 880. Policies and Procedures on Student Employment
- 890. Equal Employment Opportunity/affirmative Action Program
- 895. EEO/AA Glossary
- 900. Policy and Complaint Procedure for Members of the Public Who Have Discrimination Complaints Regarding Public Accommodations or ADA Complaints Regarding Disability Access to University Services, Programs, and Activities
- 910. Reporting Procedure for Employment Discrimination Complaints
10. Land and Physical Facilities
11. Miscellaneous
12. Research
- Abolished Procedures (Post Oct. 2014)
- Archived AP
UH‐Related Laws and Rules
- Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 304A
- Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 20