Halla Huhm Foundation

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Folk Dance

Many folk dances choreographed by Halla Huhm are part of the Studio repertoire. The following exemplify repertoire of this type (descriptions are based on information in programs from performances by the Halla Huhm Dance Studio).


Noin ch'umNoin Ch'um (Old Man's Dance)

This dance was choreographed by Halla Huhm and became her signature piece.
It portrays an old man who hears music and yearns to regain a bit of his youth
so that he can dance once more. After sipping wine he finds that his mind is
willing but his body cannot keep up with the vigorous movements.

Kanggang suwollae

Kanggang Suwollae (Traditional Folk Dance song)

The origins of this female circle dance-song of Chŏlla Province go back to the period of Japanese invasion in the 16th century. Ladies near the battlefield gathered in groups around bonfires to give the enemy the impression that there were huge guard forces stationed along the coast. After the war, the women of this southwestern coastal area set aside an evening during autumn to commemorate this event.


Sungmu (Monk's Dance)

Based on a traditional Buddhist dance, this is one of the most important folk dances in Korea today. The dancer manipulates the long sleeves in graceful movements and plays a drum which, according to one story, expresses the agony of the secular world and the overcoming of worldly passions.


Hak Ch'um (Crane Dance)

To Koreans, the crane traditionally symbolizes long life. It has been depicted in dances of the court and the villages. The choreography by Halla Huhm is based
on a crane dance from the village of Tongnae.