University of Hawaii
Integrated Pediatric Residency Program

Preceptor Instructions

The clinic preceptors play an important role in this Medical Home training initiative.

Preceptor roles are as follows: 

  1. Introduce and orient your clinic residents to the goals and objectives of this module (See About this Module).
  1. Ensure residents understand that they must complete this module in a designated time period. This timeline must be established between the resident and preceptor before beginning this module.
  1. Review the steps that each resident must take to complete this practice-based learning project (See Resident Instructions).
  1. Before your resident begins the self-study module:
    1. Down load and complete the form (choose open from the file download box,
      print from your browser, use the back button to return to this page) Preceptor MH Performance Checklist.
    2. Complete the checklist while observing the resident
    3. Ask the resident to complete the Resident MH Performance Checklist independently.
    1. Compare your findings, give constructive feedback.
  1. After your resident completes the self-study module:
    1. Down load and complete the form (choose open from the file download box,
       print from your browser, use the back button to return to this page) Preceptor MH Performance Checklist. 
    2. Complete the checklist while observing the resident.
    3. Ask resident to complete the Resident Medical Home Performance Checklist independently.
    4. Compare your findings, give constructive feedback.
  1. Review your resident’s portfolio upon completion of this module.  (See Portfolio instructions for required elements).   Provide your resident constructive feedback.

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