University of Hawaii
Integrated Pediatric Residency Program

Portfolio Instructions

Portfolio Instructions: Task for the Resident
To demonstrate your competencies toward practicing medical home principles of care, please create a portfolio of the work you have completed in this module.  This portfolio will serve as evidence of your ability to complete a self-directed learning project, as well  your ability to demonstrate Practice Based Learning, or the ability to apply information learned to improve patient care in your clinical practice  

I.  To create your Medical Home Portfolio, download the following completed items:

  1. Medical Home Pretest
  2. Resident Medical Home Performance Checklist – before starting module
  3. Preceptor Medical Home Performance Checklist – before starting module
  4. My Best Medical Home Practice written summary
  5. Three Medical Home Chart Review Forms
  6. Medical Home Posttest
  7. Resident Medical Home Performance Checklist – after completing module
  8. Preceptor Medical Home Performance Checklist – after completing module

II.  Review items with your clinic preceptor, and obtain feedback from your preceptor on  the quality of your portfolio, and your medical home clinical
     practice patterns.   

III. Submit your completed portfolio to your clinic preceptor, who will forward this portfolio to Dr. Chris Derauf to add to your residency program portfolio. 

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