Ku' Ike


Dr. Gary Huang
Gary immigrated from Taiwan at nine years old; and learned to speak, read, and write in ESL classes. He credits the special language help at school with facilitating his education,  providing the tools to communicate with peers and teachers. After high school, he attended Yale University and majored in psychobiology. Gary volunteered as an undergraduate student shadowing a child psychiatrist and was intrigued by child development. That led to a decision to attend medical school with intent to work with children.

Gary received his M.D. degree from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. His other interests include international medicine- traveling to Honduras and back to Taiwan during his fourth year of medical school to see how culture affects the practice of medicine. Currently, he is a resident in the combined Pediatric/Psychiatry/Child Psychiatry Program at the University of Hawaii Residency Program.

Gary is interested in starting a literacy program at his continuity clinic, taking care of immigrant families with language barriers (as he once was when first coming to this country). He hopes to assess literacy needs for the clinic population, and build infrastructure for developing literacy programs with the community. Gary hopes to provide families with the tools for acquiring language, giving them the opportunities to succeed through future academic successes.

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