Ask the Doctor


The Department of Pediatrics supports the Ku 'Ike project to improve literacy for children in the Papakolea and surrounding communities.

This page will provide general medical questions regarding the project, providing a frequently asked question (FAQ) format for all teachers, parents and community members.

Dr. Gary Huang is the medical consultant for Ku 'Ike.  He is a pediatric resident at the Queen's Medical Center, actively promoting literacy at the Queen Emma Clinics.  See Dr. Huang's biography.

Dr. Louise Iwaishi is the Director of Community Pediatrics, and will oversee the Department's contribution to Ku 'Ike.

All questions to Dr. Huang will be posted on the FAQ page.

See the FAQ page

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© SK Productions 2004

Dr. Louise Iwaishi
Director of Community Pediatrics


Dr. Gary Huang at the Queen Emma Clinics