XXII Heliconia Society International Conferenc
March 23, 2025 - March 25, 2025Mānoa Campus, UH Campus Center
CTAHR and the Heliconia Society International will present the Society’s XXII Conference at the UH Mānoa Campus Center Ballroom, March 23–25, 2025. The three-day conference will focus on taxonomy, cultivation, and cultural management of plants within the order Zingiberales, which include heliconia, banana, and ginger, among others. Keynote speaker Dr. John Kress (Research Botanist Emeritus, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History) will present a talk on the phylogeny, classification, and conservation status of Heliconia species. Presenters with ties to CTAHR’s Dept. of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences (TPSS) include Prof. Theodore Radovich, Extension Agent Russell Galanti, and TPSS alumnus Gabriel Sachter-Smith of Hawaii Banana Source. The three-day conference will also include a tour of Lyon Arboretum and networking social events. Post-conference tours are at capacity, but conference-only registration is currently available. A small number of speaking slots remain open. For more information or to submit an abstract please visit https://www.heliconia.org/conference or contact hsicon25@gmail.com.
Event Sponsor
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resilience (CTAHR) , Mānoa Campus
More Information
Jessica Radovich, 8082943041, radovije@hawaii.edu, XXII Heliconia Conference Flyer (PDF)
Tuesday, March 25 |
11:00am |
Ho‘oliuliu Series: Hiki Nō: You Gettum! Making College Work For You Mānoa Campus, QLCSS 208
12:00pm |
Glen S. Fukushima: The Transformation of National Security in Asia Mānoa Campus, Bachman Hall 107 (Loulu Conference Room) & Online
12:00pm |
Anthropology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Dean 210
12:00pm |
The Transformation of National Security in Asia Mānoa Campus, Loulu Conference Room (Bachman Hall 107)
12:00pm |
Creating Space for All: Disability, Academia, and Advocacy Mānoa Campus, 1410 Lower Campus Rd 171f, Honolulu, HI 96822
2:00pm |
Patents2Products Virtual Info Sessions Mānoa Campus, Sinclair 10
3:00pm |
English Final Oral Mānoa Campus, https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/86744787509
4:00pm |
Pre-Health Student Panel Mānoa Campus, Online via Zoom
5:00pm |
Public Administration Program Info Session Mānoa Campus, SAUNDERS 541/ZOOM
7:00pm |
Guest Concert - Clarinetist Robert DiLutis with musicians of the U.S. Pacific Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium, 2411 Dole Street