UH MÄnoa Veterans Day Celebration
November 8, 10:30am - 12:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Hawai'i Hall Lawn (Varney Circle Side)
The Office of Veteran Student Services welcomes the entire campus to celebrate Veterans Day and honor student veteran scholarship recipients. Following the celebration beverages and cake will be served.
Ticket Information
Event Sponsor
Office of Veteran Student Services (OVSS), Mānoa Campus
More Information
Kenith Scott, (808) 956-2192, kenith@hawaii.edu
Thursday, November 8
8:00am |
Blood Bank of Hawaii Blood Drive Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Ballroom
9:00am |
Linguistics Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Moore 575
10:30am |
UH MÄnoa Veterans Day Celebration Mānoa Campus, Hawai'i Hall Lawn (Varney Circle Side)
12:00pm |
U.S. Department of State: Careers in Diplomacy Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services Rm. 212
12:00pm |
Chai Time: Health Disparities "Health as a Human Rights" Mānoa Campus, ACCESS Lounge (Dean Hall, Room 5/6)
12:00pm |
GWIS Speaker Luncheon: Mediation, conflict resolution, and ethics Mānoa Campus, AgSci 219
12:00pm |
"Ê»Aumua MataÊ»itusi Simanu: The Lifestory of a Ninety-Seven-Year-Old Samoan Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 409A
1:30pm |
GSO Coffee Hour w/The Mano-It-Alls Improv Group! Mānoa Campus, QLC 412
3:00pm |
Joseph Keen Chadwick Memorial Lecture Mānoa Campus, KUY 410
3:00pm |
14 Things You Should Know About the Interview Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services Rm. 212
3:00pm |
Oceanography Seminar - Michelle Sculley Mānoa Campus, Marine Science Building
4:00pm |
Cookies with the Law School Admissions Office Mānoa Campus, 2515 Dole Street, Seminar Room 4
4:30pm |
UH Manoa Nursing Dean's Lecture 2018: "Nurse Staffing Matters and Why" The Pacific Club, 1451 Queen Emma Street, Honolulu,HI 96813
5:00pm |
Entrepreneurship Live with Jimmy Chan Mānoa Campus, 2404 Maile Way E402
5:00pm |
Pre-Health Summer Opportunities Panel Mānoa Campus, Webster Hall, Room 203
6:30pm |
Hanauma Bay Educational Lecture Series Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve Theater