CTE English Colloquium
April 8, 8:30am - 4:00pm
Honolulu Campus, 2-201 Loui Room
The CTE English Colloquium is an annual statewide conference to discuss methods and ideas to improve the success and achievement of career and technical education (CTE) students in reading, writing, and other general education courses.
This conference brings together deans and faculty from all the University of Hawaii Community Colleges (UHCC) to discuss ways courses such as English composition and reading can include elements that interest and stimulate CTE students.
While UHCC statistics indicate that nearly two-thirds of community college students pursue CTE majors, English courses do not traditionally teach career and technical composition and reading skills. Although traditional content too has its value, adjusting curriculum to more career and technical topics may improve the success and achievement of CTE students.
The attendees of the previous colloquiums were overwhelmingly in favor of a continued discussion.
The CTE English Colloquium is organized by Jeff Stearns (Honolulu Community College) and Michelle Igarashi (Leeward Community College).
Event Sponsor
Language Arts, Honolulu Campus
More Information
Jeff Stearns, 845-9276, stearns@hawaii.edu