Elect Her 2016
March 12, 10:30am - 4:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Executive Dining Room
Network, Learn Leadership skills, Demystify the Campaign Process, Develop and Communicate an Effective Message, Reach Out to Your Constituency, Inspire & Serve Your Peers, Campaign to Win!
This training will demystify the campaign process and teach you how to develop an effective message, how to reach out to your constituency, and how to win a student government campaign.
The event will feature panels comprised of local leaders.
"Elect Her" is FREE and open to ALL students (male and female) in the University of Hawaii system so please feel free to attend!
Event Sponsor
The Associated Students of the University of Hawaii, Student Life & Development and AAUW Honolulu Chapter , Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-4822, asuh.hawaii.edu